Chapter 14

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Previously on Scars of the Past -
"Goodness! What happened to your lying skills, Draco? Perhaps I accidentally mentioned that you kindly insisted your godfather be nicer to him. By the way, is he any good in bed?" Mattheo asked mischievously.

Draco's blush deepened. "Why would you tell him that? And no! I wouldn't know, nor would I pressure him into it. We're taking things at his pace," he confessed.

"Oh! So, you do like him. That's why he blushed like a newlywed bride when I mentioned you. And you haven't been intimate yet! Quite the gentleman, Draco," Mattheo remarked, adding a wink for dramatic effect.

"Shut up! He's my mate. I'm not going to force him into anything!" Draco retorted.

"He's your mate? Did you tell him?" Mattheo asked, his eyes widening and his voice becoming more serious.

"I told him yesterday. Dumbledore manipulated him. He's just pretending to be friends with the mudblood and the blood traitors," Draco revealed.

"Well, enjoy socializing with your fake enemy then! I'm going to check on Dahlia, making sure she hasn't escaped," Mattheo stated, heading back to the Slytherin dungeons. Dahlia had sprained her ankle and was confined to bed by her overprotective boyfriend.

Draco shook his head at his best friend's antics and left for Transfiguration. Maybe it was because she had finally snapped due to Mattheo but McGonagall had never acted so bitchy and annoying. She screamed at everyone even for the smallest of mistakes. She had scolded Longbottom for goodness' sake. The Professor McGonagall he knew would never do that. There was something wrong; something very wrong. Draco knew it was right under his nose but he couldn't put his finger on it. He hated that. Draco hated not knowing something. He had always prided himself on his knowledge, being second in his year after that Granger girl. That too was because he didn't put any effort in. Ask any of his friends and they would tell you that you could never find Draco Malfoy studying for a test. Reading books, yes but studying never. On the other hand, Granger was always writing down notes and revising for an upcoming exam. He sometimes even wondered if she had enough time for herself. Probably why her hair always resembled a bird's nest. Draco didn't really have a problem with muggles or even muggle-borns. Yes, he wasn't overly fond of them but he didn't hate them either. Draco was happy ignoring them. He didn't bully any other muggle born just Hermione. Why? Maybe because she got on his nerves, every single one of them by being a bossy and annoying bitch.

He took a seat next to Theodore and opened his book. Well, some stupid Gryffindor had forgotten to bring their homework, claiming that it was in his dorm. McGonagall decided to scream at her for the next half an hour. Draco winced, feeling sorry for her. That poor girl had been reduced to tears. She had gone back to her room to get her assignment and had submitted it at the end of the class, only to receive a taunt from the professor. Harry locked eyes with him from across the classroom. He was thinking the same thing. Something was very wrong.

Well, even if there was something wrong, it was a problem for another day. Right now, Draco had to go to Quidditch practice.

After returning from a Quidditch match, Draco's immediate plans revolved around indulging in a really lengthy bath and heading straight to bed. He managed to complete the bath part but was just about to drift off to sleep when an unexpected knock on his door disrupted his peace. It was Blaise, insisting that Draco attend the party taking place downstairs. Frankly, Draco had completely forgotten about the wretched party. The event was being held in honour of Mattheo and Dahlia's anniversary, but it had slipped his mind entirely. Reluctantly, Draco rummaged through his wardrobe in search of suitable attire and dragged himself downstairs. However, the loud music and ceaseless chatter caused his head to throb mercilessly.

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