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    The pub was a smelly, old, bar full of old men who drank away their problems inside.

That was why Mr. Greene had forced Mrs. Greene and Elsie to bring along their pepper spray, which he had bought them years ago after Mrs. Greene had been catcalled in the street.

"Stay close to me. If this woman is as mad as she seems I highly doubt this will be easy." Mr. Greene instructed as they walked into the pub.

"Good evening folks! Can I help you with anything?" The bartender asked. Elsie studied the people around her, memorizing every face and every voice by instinct.

"Yes, uh this may sound silly but, we're looking for Diagon Alley?" Mr. Greene asked nervously.

"Ah, Muggleborn. Yes, just this way folks!" The man said brightly.

"Whats a Muggleborn?" Elsie asked as they followed the man.

"Its what we call a person magic born from non magical people." The man explained leading them outside the back where a tall brick wall faced them.

"Is this some sort of joke-" Mr. Greene was cut off by the man taking out a wooden stick and taping a pattern onto the wall.

After he had finished he put what Elsie assumed was his wand away and watched as the brick wall slowly peeled apart revealing a whole new street filled with bright colors and happy faces. Elsie knew that her pepper spray would be of no use here.

"What-" Mrs. Greene started unable to tear her eyes away from the sight before her.

"I present to you Diagon Alley!" The man said. "Enjoy your shopping, and good luck!" He waved them off as they stepped into the busy street.

"This is impossible." Mrs. Greene stated turning in every direction.

"Unbelievable." Mr. Greene muttered as a family passed by, an army of floating trunks following them.

"Magical." Elsie grinned soaking it all in.

The family gave a small laugh and slowly started to walk throughout the street, stopping quite often to observe a magic trick or read the label on the stores.

"Shall we start on the supplies?" Mr. Greene asked pulling out the letter.

"You mean you're letting me go?" Elsie asked excitedly.

Mr. and Mrs. Greene shared a smile, "Well clearly its possible, just as long as you write of course."

"Of course!" Elsie laughed throwing her arms around her foster parents.

"Whats first?" Mrs. Greene asked.

"Text books. Look, there's a store over there!" Mr. Greene pointed. And sure enough there was a book store.

The book store had every imaginable type of book. Fantasy, non fiction, magic history, and of course the class text books.

Elsie would be taking, according to the letter, Potions, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Magical History, Herbology, and Charms!

After grabbing the needed books and a few extras, the family headed for the potions store to get the needed materials.

To others they may have looked pathetic, marveling at every cauldron, every, ingredient, but the family could hardly care.

Before continuing on they stopped at the treat store to buy some sweets and spent a better part of the day laughing at the delicious goodies.

Next they went to Florish and Blotts to get Elsies robes.

"You will start with black robes, but once you get sorted your tie, scarf, and crest will change." The woman said taking Elsies measurements.

"What do you mean sorted?" Elsie asked.

"There are 4 houses, you will be put into one. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin." She explained.

After that they went to buy Elsie an brown barn owl, which she named Persephone.

"Is that everything?" Mrs. Greene asked cooing at the owl.

"I believe we still need to get you a wand." Mr. Greene read smiling.

Elsie couldn't believe that earlier she had been bored! Now she was about to get a magic wand! It was unreal!

The family entered a shop called Olivanders and were met with the sound of silence. Around them boxes were stacked chaotically on the shelves and dust lingered in the air.

"Are we sure this place is open?" Elsie asked ringing the bell on the table before them.

"Coming!" A voice called from behind the many shelf's.

A old man with crazy white hair and twinkly eyes appeared. "Hello Ms. Jones, I've been expecting you."

"You have?" Elsie asked.

"Indeed. Now, how about we find you a wand, eh?" He asked.

The first box he brought out he said, "This is a 12 inch oak wood, with a unicorn hair core, slightly bouncy. Go on! Give it a wave!"

Feeling slightly silly Elsie waved the wand. Almost imminently after the ladder fell back, taking down rows, and rows of shelf's.

"Elsie!" Mrs. Greene jumped at the ruckus.

"Oops." Elsie laughed nervously.

The old man, surprisingly not mad just hummed and snatched the wand away from her. "I don't believe so."

He brought out a new one. "Try this, go on, try it!" Feeling nervous Elsie waved the wand but was met with the sound of light bulbs shattering.

"Why isn't it working?" Mr. Greene asked.

"The wand chooses the wizard or witch you see. Ms. Jones simply hasn't found the right wand yet. But no worries, never in all my years have I ever failed." Olivander said bringing out stacks of more wands.

It felt as if they had tried the entire store. Even Mr. Olivander was getting restless by the 105th wand.

"Perhaps there's been a mistake. Maybe I'm not an actual witch." Elsie sighed putting down yet another wand.

"Nonsense. We'll find it." Olivander said through gritted teeth.

The next wand he brought out was 11 1/2 inches long, with willow bark, and dragon heartstring core. When she picked it up Elsie felt no difference at all.

This made her frustrated, so she let out a groan and slammed the wand onto the table. Almost instantly after the wand boxes scattered about the store picked themselves back up, the shelves that had been knocked over stood in their rightful position, and the light bulbs were as good as new.

A beat of silence followed the girls outburst. "How- How did you do that?" Mr. Greene asked turning to Elsie.

"I didn't mean to." Elsie said, wonder in her voice.

"Then I guess we've finally found the wand for you!" Mrs. Greene said happily.

As they celebrated Mr. Olivander and Elsie stayed quiet, both aware that when the store fixed itself, no wand had been used.

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