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    Before the three got the chance to rush to the ghosts bathroom, an announcement blared over the intercom.

"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately."

Elsie immediately was worried, something must've happened. Someone else must've been attacked.

The smart thing to do was to return to Gryffindor tower, and remain there until McGonagall gathered them. However unfortunately they were Gryffindors, not Ravenclaws, and so Elsie, Harry, and Ron wasted no time running to the second floor corridor.

Once they arrived, they ducked behind a pillar, blocking them from the professors view, though they seemed rather distracted by something on the wall... another message.

McGonagall addressed the Professors. "As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message. Our worst fear has been realized, a student has been taken by the monster, into the Chamber itself." McGonagall paused before breaking the news. "The students must be sent home. I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts."

Elsie wanted to run out from where they hid and shout, No! But instead she waited. She waited for information, they needed to know the full circumstance before doing anything rash.

At that moment Lockhart strolled into the corridor with a dopey smile on his stupid face. "So sorry, dozed off. What have I missed?"

"A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last." Snape spat.

Lockhart looked stunned, "My... moment?"

Snape sneered, "Weren't you saying just last night you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" Lockhart nodded, looking bewildered.

"That's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend." McGonagall regarded the man with a crinkled nose before looking back to the real teachers.

After Lockhart had stumbled away, muttering something about getting ready Madam Pomfrey spoke up, voicing the question Elsie had been dying to know. "Who is it that the monster's taken, Minerva?"

"Ginny Weasley."

Elsie nearly fell over in shock, but that was nothing compared to Ron who had fully stopped breathing.

The teachers shared one last sad look before moving down the corridor to collect the students, finally revealing the message on the wall.


*    *    *

    It had taken several minutes to gather their bearings and accept the news. Ginny had been taken, and the monster was going to kill her.

    "Lockhart may be useless, but he's going to try to get into the Chamber. At least we can tell him what we know." Harry stated to a distraught Ron as they began running for the mans office.

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