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After a long day of dreading the detention, night fell again. Elsie grit her teeth in annoyance as she, along with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Malfoy followed Filch down to Hagrid's Hut.

    "A pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming." Filch sighed in a raspy voice, sending chills down the girls spine.

    He must be Medieval, he sure looked it.

    "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the dark forest." At those words Elsie felt her breathing nearly stop. The Forest? Were they insane?

    Hagrid walked over to them holding a crossbow. He had tear stains on his cheeks and a red nose that he continuously sniffed.

    "A sorry lot this, Hagrid. Oh, good God, man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?" Filch groaned.

    Hagrid sniffed again, "Norbert's gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony."

    "Well, that's good, isn't it? He'll be with his own kind." Hermione tried to offer the man a sense of satisfaction.

    "Yeah but what if he don't like Romania," Hagrid started. "What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby, after all."

    Filch rolled his eyes, "Oh, for Gods sake, pull yourself together, man. You're going into the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you."

    Malfoy faced the old man, fear written clearly across his face. "The forest? I thought that was a joke! We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed." He paused as a howl sounded, echoing off the trees. "And there are werewolves!"

    Elsie shuddered, "Why can't we just write lines or something? Dumbledore made a point to mention that the Forest was forbidden to all students, is he really breaking that rule for a detention?"

    "Lines won't teach you to follow rules," Filch scowled. "And don't question Dumbledore's antics, you'll do as your told or be punished!"

    Elsie was tempted to argue some more but Hermione sent her a look.

    "Lets go," Hagrid turned and set off for the tree line.

    "This is crazy," Elsie muttered, wiping her sweaty palms on her cloak.

    "At least we have Hagrid," Harry sighed.

    The group walked in silence for a while, the only sounds being that of their breathing, and the occasional animal. The dark trees loomed over them, casting mysterious shapes over the ground. The yellow moon provided hardly any light, leaving them stranded in the blackness.

    Hagrid suddenly stopped and kneeled down before a puddle of silver gooey stuff.

    "Hagrid, whats that?" Harry asked.

    "What we're here for. See that? That's unicorn's blood, that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been injured bad by something," Hagrid explained standing up.

    "So, it's our job to find the poor beast. Ron, Hermione, you'll come with me." Hagrid instructed, turning to the two.

    "Harry, Elsie, you'll go with Malfoy." Hagrid then turned to them. Elsie frowned and glance at the two boys she would be traveling with. Harry stood squarely, while Malfoy grimaced and jumped at ever little sound.

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