ELEVEN|Not Good Enough

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Olivia's brain had been going around in circles for weeks, ever since that day and she was barely speaking anymore.

Olivia's hands shook so much when she tried to bake, that for the moment, she had given it up and had put up a sign in Charlie's yard that said "NO BAKING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE" and it broke her heart to see it on the sign, which she noticed that Charlie could see.

"Hey kid," Charlie knocked on the open door and Olivia rolled over to look at him, as she had been silently staring at the wall and he sighed. "Can I come in?" He asked and she sat up, as she nodded a little and he was sitting down at her desk.

"I'm sorry that I'm not helping as much as I used to." Olivia said and he looked at her in surprise. "If you want me to leave, I'll pack up my stuff and leave." She said and he was looking at her.

"You completely misunderstood what I came in here for, kid. So, I know that I missed your birthday... Or, the day that your brother picked for you to have as your birthday or whatever... So, I just brought the party to you." Charlie said and a moment later, the doorbell was ringing.

"Are you serious?" Olivia asked and the doorbell continued to ring, as Charlie was nodding at the stairs.

"Are you going to go and get the door or what?" Charlie asked and Olivia grinned at the words, throwing off the covers and she threw her arms around Charlie, who grunted before he was laughing. "All right, all right. Go on." He said as now, Olivia was quickly taking off down the stairs.

As soon as Olivia threw open the door in front of her, there was a bunch of people all standing in the doorway. Leading the pack was Quil, Embry and Jacob. "Happy birthday!" Quil shouted and he promptly tackled her as Olivia chuckled and she was messing up his hair.

"Come on in, everyone." Olivia said as she was motioning everyone in and they came into the house in waves.

Charlie being the coolest temporary guardian ever, he had agreed to turn a blind eye to the alcohol, provided that no one was driving after they had been drinking.

After agreeing to the terms, Charlie had left for work and left them to their own devices, which was usually a somewhat dangerous thing. Unless Olivia was in charge anyways.

The birthday gifts were piling up in the corner of the living room and they were all going in and out, but Olivia was looking for someone that she already knew wasn't going to show up. "Livvy!" Carmen said as she dropped down next to her and Olivia didn't need to look at her friend, to know that she was already piss drunk.

"Hey Carmen." Olivia said and she looked over at her friend. "I'll drive you home after I clear everybody else out." She said as she was now looking over at her friend who was completely unable to hold her liquor.

"My brother has been... Different, since you talked to him. He comes home, but he's like a robot. I think whatever you said, may have actually hurt him." Carmen admitted and when she went to take another sip of a beer in her hand, Olivia took it and put it to the side.

"If he really is so upset, then he'll have to come and talk to me himself." Olivia said as she was shaking her head, as she spotted an unusual duo of Jared and Paul coming into the house through the door.

Olivia stood up and she was walking past Carmen and stepping over the coffee table as she moved to join them. "Two and a half months without contact and you show up half-naked to a birthday party?" She asked as she crossed her arms over her chest and to her annoyance, she had to look up at the two now.

"We brought these." Jared said and he tossed a couple of packages at her and Olivia caught them. "The smaller one is from Sam." He said and she scoffed, before she threw the smaller one back at him quickly and he caught it in shock.

"Unless he's sick, he can bring it to me himself." Olivia said and Paul held out a package to her. "Thanks." She said and she just tossed them into the pile. "There's a cake in the kitchen that we started eating awhile ago, but most of us are too drunk to eat anymore. Go ahead." She said as she was quickly walking back to where Carmen was currently passed out on the floor.

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