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Olivia had taken to visiting Billy on the weekends whenever she could, usually on the days when Jacob was running with the rest of the pack. Which was now a lot of the time these days, Olivia knew those facts, all of them better than anyone else.

Sam did his best, she knew, but it was a routine that she had gotten used to. Wake up in the morning, there was a note on the bathroom mirror. The pack would come back for lunch, but they always seemed to be distracted by something and they would immediately rush out again without even a proper goodbye.

Then when Olivia was going to sleep after baking, cooking and cleaning all day, Sam's familiar presence was hardly there.

Olivia went to sleep feeling cold and although she knew that he most likely came into the house as quietly as he ever did when she was already asleep, she would never know that. Because he was always gone by the time that she woke up in the early mornings.

If he even really came home at all.

"Is he asleep?" Olivia asked as Billy Black came up to the door in his wheelchair and he opened it for her, as Olivia had brought over a bunch of baked goods and a fair amount of cooked food for him.

"Yes. Although I will warn you that Bella Swan has been coming by, insisting that it is extremely important that she sees Jacob. She seems to put the blame on Sam and yourself, for the fact that Jacob is not talking to her anymore." Billy said and at the words, Olivia groaned as she swiftly put down the food on the counter.

"I've already heard it all before, Billy, don't worry about it." She murmured softly and a moment later, Billy gestured to the couch.

"Thanks Billy." Olivia mumbled as she looked down at herself and now, she was dismayed to find out that she couldn't see her own feet. "Oh my god, I'm big." She said and Billy laughed lightly at the words.

"My wife said the very same thing, each time that she was pregnant. How far are you along?" Billy asked.

"Seven months." Olivia said and Billy nodded. "I still can't believe that I'm 20 years old and pregnant." She admitted and a moment later, someone was banging on the front door. "Is that who I think it is?" Olivia asked and Billy sighed, rolling his way over to the door.

"Billy, I really need to see him!" Bella's voice rang out as Olivia looked over at Billy, who motioned for her to stay where she was and Billy opened the door.

"Bella." Billy said with a nod to her and Bella barged into the house and she ended up finding Jacob asleep.

Meanwhile, Olivia had spotted the pack outside and she was walking out and over to them. "Bella is inside." Olivia said outright as the pack stopped in front of her and she was moving to stand quietly between Opal and Sam. "She is, as usual, blaming us for Jacob not talking to her anymore." She said and Sam held her hand in silence.

"Here we go." Embry muttered quietly and Olivia out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Opal was nervous about Bella storming out to meet them.

While the boys and Sam were all shirtless since they had been running, it was the duo of Opal and Carmen who were wearing shorts and hoodies that they often carried with them and stashed in the trees, when they were phased completely now into the massive wolf shapes.

"She's mad." Olivia noted and the pack looked at her like she was crazy. "What? I'm not a wolf, so I'm not allowed to speak now? Since when?"

"I think they might have just forgotten that you tend to speak the obvious facts and that stuff, whenever you deem it necessary." Sam replied as Bella was advancing over to them.

"What did you do?!" Bella shoved Sam with both hands and he barely moved, as Olivia was restraining Carmen, who was already quivering at the sight of Bella and her pushing Sam.

"Carmen, take it easy." Olivia said quietly and eventually, Carmen had regained her control and Olivia let her go.

Embry had Opal next to him and they both were silently watching, at least until they all collectively were stunned into silence at what Bella had done.

After Paul and Jared had started laughing and Bella's anger had grown to unbelievable rage, she hit Paul. Paul was starting to growl and he was quivering, as his familiar anger and his legendary short fuse was now taking control of him.

"Bella, get back. Embry, Carmen!" At the sounds of their names, Embry and Carmen fell back to protect Olivia, who was backing up at the sight of Paul quivering.

Despite knowing full-well that Paul would never hurt her intentionally, Olivia knew a human was a lot less likely to avoid the wolf that lost control.

"Paul, calm down now!" The orders weren't working this time around but it was because of Bella's presence, she wasn't backing up and it was a sign of aggression.

"Paul." Carmen said and unfortunately when it seemed like it was starting to work, by then Jacob had come running.

At the sight of Jacob jumping forward to protect Bella, it sent Paul over the edge and he was violently vibrating. Until his shorts ripped and his shoes exploded, as his wolf form reared up into the air.

Opal lunged forward to meet Jacob in midair, as the Black siblings both phased in midair. Tearing out of their clothes, Jacob's russet wolf landed in front of Bella in a sort of protective manner while Opal's copper colored wolf landed in between Jacob and Paul's wolves.

Opal's copper fur shone as she bared her fangs, turning her body to be in between the two wolves as she was growling and barking at the two.

"Does anyone want to translate?" Olivia asked as Sam was watching the trio of huge wolves carefully, until suddenly, all hell had broken loose.

Jacob headbutted Opal out of the way and he lunged for Paul, who charged to meet his attack. Opal howled in a fury, but she got in the middle and all three of the huge wolves were going off of the road.

Olivia winced at the sight of the massive grooves left in the ground and Embry was shaking his head. "She'll be all right." Olivia reminded him gently, knowing how worried he probably was.

"I'm a lot more worried about Paul and Jake to be honest." Embry admitted and at the words, Olivia laughed at his honesty.

"Take Bella back to the house, I'll deal with this." Sam said and he was already running to the trees, quivering as he ran and Olivia's eyes flashed.

"I'll get Sam's stuff for him, can you three clear up the rest?" Olivia asked and with the absence of Sam and Opal, Jared was the new automatic second and Olivia walked into the trees to grab Sam's jeans. "Hey, where did his shoes go?" Olivia asked and she walked out of the trees.

"You're having trouble doing up your shoes now, according to Sam. So, I just figured that it would be easier for me to pick them up." Jared held up Sam's shoes and she sighed with a grin.

"Thanks Jared, I owe you one." Olivia said and Jared blew a raspberry at the words as she took the running shoes from him.

"Keep cooking for us and you won't owe us anything." Jared said and Olivia felt his arms quickly around her in a hug, before he went back to picking up the stuff.

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