Dare, Ron.

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Me: Ok, um. Well, I got nothing.

Everyone but me: I thought you wanted to play?!

Me: I do but the owls have not come with the truth or dare yet.

Owl: * Flys in and gives me a letter before leaving. *

Neville: How did that get...

Me: Honestly, I have no idea. * Opens the letter. *

Harry: Who's it for?

Me: A dare for Ron.

Ron: What is the dare?

Me: Hold a spider for one minute.

Ron: Bloody hell no!

Hermione: That's a new one.

Harry: Tell me about it.

Luna: I will get the spider. * Leaves. *

Me: This is going to be good.

Luna: * Comes back. * I got Fred.

Fred: Really? You gave a spider my name?

Luna: No, he had the name when I got him.

Me: Can I see him?

Luna: Ok. * Open hands to show a Goliath tarantula. *

Everyone but Ron and me: Gross.

Me: Cute, but not the nicest thing alive.

Ron: Nope! * Trying to run. *

Harry: Not happening. * Pulls out wand. * Stupefy.

Ron: * Falls unconscious. *

Me: Oh, I forget. I need your wands.

Ginny Fred George Luna and Draco: No!

Harry Hermione Neville: Fine. * Hands over wands. *

Me: Give em. * Holds out hand. *

Ginny Fred George Luna: Ok. * Hands over wands. *

Me: Draco.

Draco: No.

Me: Don't test me Malfoy. * Make's flame in my right hand. *

Draco: Ok, ok. Take it. * Hands over the wand. *

Me: Good boy. * Takes Rons wand well he is asleep. *

Ron: * Wakes up. *

Luna: Here. * Gives Fred to Ron. *

Ron: Nice spider good spider.

Me: Women up! He's not going to eat you.

Ron: But her could bite me.

Fred the spider: * Bites Runs hand. *

Ron: Ow! * Drops Fred. *

Me: * Picks up Fred. *

Ron: I told you! That thing is out to get me!

Me: What did Fred ever do to you?

Fred: Me and George pranked him a few times but that's it.

Me: Not you!

Fred: Oh.

Draco: Idoits.

Ron: He bit me!

Me: And the problem is?

Ron: He bit me!

Me: I know that.

Ron: I give up.

Me: Luna, please take Fred back to his cage.

Luna: Ok. * Takes Fred and leaves. *

Me: Ok, see you next time. Ask them and me whatever you want. And ask Ginger over here why the heck he is so scared of spiders, will ya?

Ron Ginny Fred George: We heard that!

Ask and dare the Harry Potter chararters and me!!!Where stories live. Discover now