A lot of dares

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Me Winston and Bunny: Ahhhhhhhhh! * Blood-curdling scream. *

Everyone: * Run in. *

Winston: Rahhh!

Me: * Smirking. *😏

Neville: Stop doing that!

Me: * Chukles. * Never.

Me: So today Cedric has to kiss Harry and make sure Cho sees it.

Cho: * Huffs. *

Adam: Hehe.

Bunny: Good one Adam!

Me: Pasny has to tell Draco that she doesn't love him anymore and just treat him like crap until all the others finish their dares. Ron to throw up Slugs again then he has to tell everyone that they are his children, I dare Luna to act like the complete opposite of herself, like rude and obnoxious, etc.

Ron: Why?!

Me: Women up! Cho has to play Minecraft. Oh, I got one.

Everyone: What is it?

Me: You will never know.

Bunny: This is going to be fun.

Fred and George: Do you like pranks?

Bunny: F**k yeah!

Fred and George: Yes! * Highfive. *

Me: * Rolls eyes. * Let's get on with the dares!

Cedric: Do I have to? Harry is just a good friend. Besides I like someone else.

Me: One, yes it's a dare, and two. You do realize that you could be given a truth to say who you like right?

Cedric: * Mutters under breath. *

Winston: * Mimics his muttering in a childish voice. * Suck it up!

Me: * Holds back Cho. *

Adam: * Holding back tears while playing a dramatic song. *

Cedric: Sorry about this. * Kisses Harry. *

Harry: * Pulls away. * Never a again.

Me: * Let's go off Cho. *

Pansy: * Taps Draco's shoulder. *

Draco: * Truns around. * Hay Pansy.

Pansy: I don't like you and I could care less about you.* Walks away. *

Draco: * Confused. *

Draco: Ouch.

Winston: * Nudges Draco. * Looks like your little toy finally got tired of you, huh?

Draco: Not. A. Word.

Winston: You just said three, so why can't I?

Draco: Berchwood, I hate you.

Winston: Love you too Foy-Foy(NOT A SHIP)

~Meanwhile with Ron and the others~

Ron: This isn't going to be fun.

Me: Nope. * Gives him his wand. *

Ron: * Gulps. * ...Slugulus Erecto.

Me: * Gives him a bucket. *

Ron: * Pucking up slugs. *🤢🐌

Bunny: I feel bad for those slugs.

Me: Same. Poor things.

Winston: * Crashes through a window for a second time, carrying Adam. * Heyo, what did I miss?

Fred and George: * laughing butts off. *

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