Dare, Sirius.

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Me and Neville: * Run in looking panicked. *

Winston: * Crashes in the window. * I was with Axel. What happened?

Bunny: The hell?

Me: Run!

Sirius: From what?

Trover: * Hops into the room 200 times his normal size. *

Me: From that!

Bunny: Motherfucking hell!?

Everyone: * Runs. *

Bunny and Wiston: * Flying. *

Winston: Bloody hell!

Luna: How did he get that big?!

Me: Ask your boyfriend!

Luna: Neville what happned?!

Neville: I was trying to make him pink in class and THAT * Pointes to Trover. * Happened!

Winston: Wild...

Adam: * Holding onto a broom. * Help!!

Lucia: * Holding onto him. * You asked for it!

Hermione: Give me my wand! I can shrink him!'

Me: Todes will eat anything that can catch and fit in their mouths! And right now that means us! If you stand still to cast the spell you are a goner!

Bunny: TREVOR!!! EAT LUCIA!!!!


Bunny: BITCH!

Winston: WITCH!!!

Bunny: No Amelia's thw witch!

Me: Not the time!

Hermione: That's what are you going to do!

Me: Here take the wand! * Tosses it to her. * I will distract him long enough for you to spell him! * Grows wings and takes off into the air. * Bunny, Wiston help me distract him!

Bunny and Wiston: On it! * Flying around Trraver and throwing things at him. *

Winston: Imperio! YOU DESIRE SLEEP!

Trevor: * Shooked a bit. *

Winston: Dammit! Weak Veela heritage!

Bunny: Fucking idiot.

Me: Hay over here you overgrown frog!

Trover: * Death glares me. *

Me: Yeah that's right! I called you a frog! What ya gonna do about it!

Traver: * Trying to catch me. *

Me: * Doges him. * To slow! To high! Over here! Ha!

Hermione: * Pointes wand at Trover. * Reducio!

Trover: * Shrinks back to normal. *

Neville: * Picks him up. * You're grounded.

Trover: * Ribirs sadly. *

Winston: * Flies down and flicks it. * Oh, that'll be great, I'll tell Axel.

Lucia: Who the hell—

Winston: My friend?

Adam: Oh right, you have friends.

Winston: And look who's talking.

Me Bunny and Winston: * Land. *

Lily: Are you three ok?!

Me: Yeah we're fine Mom. Not the first time I had to deal with an oversized animal before.

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