Dare, all.

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Me: Today's dare is for everyone to jump off a bridge without any magical abilities or anything just jumping off a very high bridge over the water.

Everyone: I that this game!

( At Millennium Bridge on a foggy day. )

Everyone: * I swimsuits. *

Ginny: * Grimaced. * It's...Quite high.

Hermione: Erm, if we hit water that would be certain death, according to the scientific experiments and the results to the—

Ron: Hermione, stopppp! It's water!

Hermione: * facepalmed. *

Harry: You sure the dare said, no magical abilities? No magical abilities at all?

Me: * Rolls eyes. *

Winston: Mhm. Guess it's our time to go. I didn't even bother bringing Iris.

Luna: Iris?

Winston: My Tyto. I wonder what she'll think once she tracks my scent to a floating grease spot in the water.

Draco: Ugh.

Winston: Oh, shut up Foy-Foy.

Ron: * Coughing to hide his laughter. *

Me: Shut up. The sooner we get this o er with the better.

Harry: Is someone scared?

Me: I am about to jump 300 feet into ice-cold water sorry my self-preservation instincts kicked in.

Luna: ..Foy-Foy?

Winston: His itty bitty nickname like his itty bitty personality. Anyways, we wait on Amelia's gesture.

Me: * Thumbs up*

Draco: *mumbles* Filthy half blood...

Me: * Smakes him upside the head. *

Winston: Oh shut up you little skink-eyed molerat, you ain't any better! You've basically got a surrogate tormentor Lord for a skanky second father figure who doesn't give two shits about you and your Adrian Agreste wig!

Harry: Oh, I'm dying happy.

Neville: * Squeaks a little from fear. *

Winston: * Rolls eyes. *

Me: Alright, stop swaggering you baffled little swine, let's jump and hope we at least end up with arms intact!

Harry: What happened to self-preservation instincts?

Me: I'm going to die at some point want does it matter if it's today?

Neville: That got dark quickly.

Everyone: * Jumps well screaming. *

Everyone: * Swims back to land. *

( The room of requirements. )

Me: Hot cocoa and croissants? * Holding a tray with hot cocoa and croissants on it. *

Everyone: * Takes one. *

Me: I am never doing that again.

Winston: * Chuckles. * No kidding. Your leg wouldn't stop shaking because of the adrenaline rush.

Me: Shut up. * Throws a croissant at Winston. *

Winston: * Picks up a croissant and takes a bite. * Thanks.

Me: * Rolls eyes. * See you next time!

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