Dare, Harry and Draco.

5 0 0

Me: * Walks in covered in dirt and blood dragging Harry and Draco by their ears who are also covered in dirt and blood well yelling in French. *

Winston: * Crashes through the window. * Ow.

Bunny: And that is my idiot friend. . .

Rasmus: * Jumps in behind him. * Shush.

Bunny: And his idiot friend.

James: Frenchy you're up. What is my kid saying?

Sirius: * Rolls eyes. * 1 Don't call me that and 2 I don't really know. She is talking way too fast for me to understand her. All I can make out is something about the snitch being smarter and how men are idiots.

Lily: Yeah, she's mine.

Me: * Let's go of Harry and Draco. *

Harry and Draco: Ow!

Me: * About to yell again. *

Harry: If you are going to yell at us do it in a language we can understand.

Me: Oh, sorry. I used a translation spell to learn French.

Bunny: Cool.

Winston: HOW?

Me: It's not that hard really. * Truns back to Harry and Draco. * You two are idiots! That game was a disaster because of you two! You think you would put your fighting aside for one damm game but no! Well, you two were insulting each other the snitch was right in front of you two! Either one of you could have caught it! But when you two finely see it it zooms up and you two gits hit each other taking me out with you! Do you know how lucky we are that we didn't break anything?! Or get killed?! God men are stupid!

Harry and Draco: Sorry.

Me: I don't want to hear it!

Bunny: Since when did you play sports?

Me: I don't. Not really.

James: What?

Me: I am the chater. Dumbledor came up with the position. I circle high up over the field of every game and catch any players that fall off their broom so they don't get hurt. Dumbledor chose me since I don't really belong to a house I would be less likely to not catch a player on purpose because I am predites about what house they are from.

Winston: I'm the Slytherin Replacement Beater but I'm barely on as the Original Beaters are pretty thick and burly to handle the job just fine.

James: English pleas.

Lily: She catches kids that fall off their brooms no matter what house they are in.

James and Sirius: Oh!

Winston: Seriously?

Lily and Remus: 🤦🏼

Me: Now since you two look like you got hit by a flying car I will help you. If you don't do stupid stuff at the next match, understand?

Bunny: You know who you're talking to. . .right?

Draco: Fine. * Huffs. *

Harry: Can we do stupid stuff when not playing?

James: That's my boy!

Me: Do you want to be strung upside down from a tree?

Lily: And that's my girl.

Me: * Makes a first aid kit pop up. * Now pour some of this brown stuff onto this cloth and wipe out any cuts with it. * Hnads them both cloths. *

Harry: * Shrugrs and wipes a cut. * Crap! That stings!

Draco: Man up Potter. * Wipes a cut. * Ow!

Harry: I told you!

Bunny: It's women up, thank you very much.

Me: Weak.

Harry: If you are so tough you do it. * Hands me the clouth. *

Me: OK. * Wipes a cut on my cheek and doesn't flinch. *

Harry and Draco: 😦

Winston: Can I have some?

Draco: Why?

Winston: Let's just say...Buckbeak liked my feathers. Ow.

Draco: * Confused. *

Me: It's women up bitches. * Makes the clothes and first aid kit disappear. *

Neville: * Trying not to laugh. * OK, so who is it today?

Me: I didn't get a dare so I am giving out one today.

Everyone but me: Oh, no.

Me: Don't worry sis, it's not you.

Bunny: Good.

Me: It's for Harry and Draco.

Harry and Draco: What?

Me: Yep! You two want to piss me off you pay the price! Now the dare is you two have to say something nice to each other. And mean it!

Harry: I'm out! * Walks away. *

Draco: See you next week! * Leaves. *

Adam: 3 2 1.

Harry and Draco: * Fall from the sky. * Ow!

Rasmus Bunny and Winston: * Smirking. *

Winston: Well, now my wing hurts even more.

Me: Now, do that dare. I am being nice.

Bunny: She is right, I would have made you two kiss.

Harry: Let's get this over with.

Neville: Any day now.

Harry: You really are ambitious. You did once climb a tree just to annoy me. . . so. . . yeah. . .

Bunny: * Coughs. * GAY! * Coughs. *

Me: * Trying not to laugh. *

Draco: * Huffs. * You are your wired friends seems to be the only reason this school is still standing. . . so. . . Thanks?

Me: Now was that so hard?

Harry and Draco: Yes!

Me: Nitwits.

Ginny and Pansy Ajax and Enid: * Recoding the whole thing. *

Me: See yeah in the next adventure!

Winston: BABE, I'm leaving now.

Rasmus: Ok! 😊

Winston: I wasn't talking to you, fugly angel.

Rasmus: I wasn't talking to you either, you stupid chicken.

Bunny: He was talking to me. * Joke. *

Me: Jump in the lake.

Winston: I'm going to go kill myself before this damn world kills me.

Bunny: I'll help.

Me: I need new friends. Anyway, Harry Draco stop being stupid Bunny go jump in the lake and Winston and Rasmus please stop being annoying. Ok?!

Bunny: 🙍

Ask and dare the Harry Potter chararters and me!!!Where stories live. Discover now