Dare, ???

2 0 0

Me Luna Ginny and Neville: * Run in laughing. *

Rasmus: *Falls off from the chandelier* What? What's going on? Somebody being seasoned and cooked? Mmm.

Bunny: What the hell is so funny?

Me: We might have pulled a prank. 😏

Winston: *Helps Rasmus up while holding in a laugh* I heard that fat cunt screaming in the hall a few hours ago. Damn. I'm curious.

Enid: What did you do?

Sirius: James Potter's kid pulling a prank. This is going to be good.

( Umbrige shrieks in suffering. )

Me Luna Ginny and Neville: * Burst out laughing. *

Adam: *Smirks*

Remus: Oh, god.

Adam: I'm guessing you got even?

Me: Yep! Wouldn't have been able to pull it off if we didn't have the map. =\

Harry: You took the map!

Me: You never use it unless you are spying. We use it to pull pranks.

Cedric: Who's we?

Me: Me Creature Flame and FLower.

Ron: Who?

Me: Their code names, stupid.

Bunny: Who are they?

Me: Well I'm Alpha because I run this gig. Creature Is Luna because she loves animals.

Luna: * Nods. *🐿

Me: Flame is Ginny because of her hair and her temper.

Ginny: * Smirks. *🔥

Me: And FLower is Neville because he is good at Herbology.

Winston: Awww, so cute!

Bunny: Calm down.

Rasmus: Maybe he'll be the flower boy at Umbridge and Voldemort's wedding!

Ajax: Pfft.

Me: Why are you still here?

Ajax: 🙄

Adam: * Laughed. *

Draco: * Chukles. *

Neville: * Mutters. * I didn't choose the name. 🌷

Winston: Oh, choke on a beam of sunlight, FLOWER. It's good and we stick with it.

Bunny: Yeah, it fits well.

Umbrige from upstairs: Whoever did this are the worst most naught student in Hogwarts!!!!!

Me: We did it guys!!!

Luna Ginny and Neville: * Cheering. *

James: They are the mainly girl vision of us.

Remus: Yeah.

Fred: What did you

George: Guys do?

Me: We might have kinda put a few baby toungtwiser dragons in her offices.

Rasmus: Hey! So THATS where Leviathan and Arcanus went! You better give them back.

Adam: You have DRAGONS???

Me: Yeah!

Winston: He bought the eggs from me😊

Bunny: You made your friend pay you. That is genius!!!

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