More people.

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Me: I am bringing more people here today.

Harry: Who?

Me: You will see. * Waves wand around and a portal shows up in the air. *

Everyone: * Stands back. *

Remus: * Falls out of the portal. * Ow!

Sirius: * Falls out of the portal and onto Remus. *

Remus: Get off. * Kicks Sirius off him. *

Sirius: Ow. You didn't have to kick me. * Gets up. *

Remus: You didn't have to fall on me. * Gets up but almost falls over. *

Sirius: * Catchs him * New feet?

Remus: Shut up. * Stands. *

Winston: Idiots. * Chuckles. *

Me: Yeah, but they're free entertainment. Watch this.

Me: Girls girls you're both pretty! Can I go home now?

All the half-bloods and muggles: * Laughing. *

All the purebloods: What?

Me: Muggle thing.

Harry: * Hugs Sirius. *

Sirius: Hay pup.

Me: Oh, I have a few more guests. You can come out now!

Lily and James: * Come out from behind a curtain. *

Harry: Mom Dad?! * Hugs them. *

Everyone but me: * Shocked. * 🤯

Me: I stool a book about seances. They aren't alive but they are angels.

Lily: Amelia? * Hugs me. *

Me: Um... Hi Mom.

Everyone: What?!

Harry: I have a sister?!

James: Why are any of you shocked? You should have known each other. What happened well we were dead?!

Me: Sirius get sent to prison for your murder. I get sent to America and was adopted by a vampire family. I never told Harry we were family becomes I thought it would be easier for him.

Harry: I always wanted a sister.

Winston: You got one.

Me: * Roll eyes. *

Sirius: So, you're saying I have a goddaughter now too?!

Lily: Not quite. Her godparents are Frank and Alice.

James: What happened to them? Lest we heard they were expecting a kid.

Neville: That would be me. * Raising hand. *

James: Oh. How are they?

Me: * Facepalms. *🤦🏼‍♀️

Neville: They are at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries Bellatrix tortured them till they lost their minds.

Me: She is on my hit list.

James: You must be a Gryffindor.

Harry: I am she is a Ravenclaw.

Me: I had to choose my house. The hat couldn't find one for me.

Lily: That's strange.

Sirius: I remember when we were kids when someone got called up to the hat we would call out what house they would be in.

James: We were right most of the time. When we weren't we would boo the hat.

Remus: Then Lily joined in and got it right every time.

Lily: * Grins. *

Me: So we are playing truth or dare. Want to join?

James and Sirius: Yes!

Remus and Lily: Sure.

Me: Ok, we have to go. See ya soon!

Ask and dare the Harry Potter chararters and me!!!Where stories live. Discover now