Dare, everyone.

15 0 1

Me: Get back here! * Chasing a jumping blue belle and caches it and throws it to a cage. *

Neville: What happened here?

Me: The twins thought it would be funny to put the Jumping blue bells in here to get me back for getting them in trouble.

Neville: * muttetrs. * Idoits.

Me: Didn't think I would hear that from you. Now go get the rest. * Sneezs. *

Neville: Ok. * Leaves. *

Everyone: * Walks in. *

Ginny: What is it?

Me: * Sneezs. * A dare. * Sneezs. *

Cedric: What got into you?

Me: * Sneezs. * Pollen. * Sneezs. *

Fred and George: * Laughing. *

Me: I will get you two. * Sneezs. *

Hermonie: I could get rid of the flowers for you.

Me: Ok. * Sneezes and gives her the wand. *

Hermonie: * Waves wand and mutters a spell. *

Jumping blue belles: * Disappear. *

Me: Thank you. Now the dare is we have to be blindfolded and kiss someone.

Everyone but me: No!

Me: I don't like it any more than you do.

Ron: Then why?!

Me: We have to. Now shut up and do the dare. The boys will kiss someone and then you get to take off your blindfolded.

Everyone but me: Fine! * Puts on blindfolded. *

Me: Harry you go.

Harry: Ok. * Walks and kisses someone. *Who was that? * Takes off blindfolded, and sees Draco. * Gorss! 🤢

Draco: * Tacks off blindfolded, and sees Harry. * Oh, god! 🤢

Me: * Falls to the floor laughing. * 🤣

Harry and Draco: I hate you!

Me: Next!

Ron: * Walks and kisses someone, and takes off blindfolded. * Um, hi. 😳

Hermonie: * Takes off blindfolded and looks at Ron. * Hi. ☺️

Me: * Humming stale my girl. *

Ron: No, just no.

Me: 😝

Draco: * Puts blindfolded back on walks around and kisses someone, and takes off blindfolded to see Ginny. *Oh, it's you.

Ginny: I'm going to puck. * Runs out of the room. *🤢

Draco: Drama queen.

Cedric: * Kisses someone and takes off blindfolded. * Hi.

Pansy: Ew !Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!

Cedric: I didn't like it any more than you did.

Luna: Arn't Huffelpuffs supposed to be nice?

Cedric: Yeah, but I feel like being honest.

Me: * Chukleing. Next.

Fred: * Walks and bumps into some and falls. * Hay! * Takes off blindfolded. *

George: * Walks and bumps into some and falls. * Hay! * Takes off blindfolded. *

Fred and George: * Laughing. *

Me: Idotes.

Neville: Here goes nothing. * Walks and kisses someone. * Takes off blindfolded, and blushes. * Sorry.

Luna: * Takes off blindfolded, and blushes. * It's fine.

Me: * Humming can you feel the love tonight. *

Neville: Pl-ee-a-se-e st-o-p.

Me: * Sighs. * Fine.

Me: Ok, we have to get to class before Snape tries to give us detention with the devil so bye!!!

Everyone but me: Bye!!!

Snape: * Walks in. * Found you!

Me: Book it! * Runs. *

Everyone but me: * Runs. *

Ask and dare the Harry Potter chararters and me!!!Where stories live. Discover now