Truth, everyone.

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Me: Everyone get in here now!!!

Everyone: * Runs in. *

Cedric: Is she always this loud?

Neville: Sometimes.

Pansy: What is it?

Me: We all have truth.

Everyone but me: Oh, on.

Me: The truth is who was your first crush, not your current crush?

Harry: What if there the same?

Me: You still answer.

Everyone but me: Do we have to?!

Me: Quit whining and spill the beans.

Harry: And what about you?

Me: Don't have one.

Harry: How do we know you are not lying?

Me: Here. * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * I don't have one. Happy?

Harry: No, but I do believe you.

Me: Good. Everyone sits down in a circle and we will take turns.

Everyone: * Sits down. *

Me: Now Harry, you start.

Harry: Why me?

Me: You are the chosen one.

Harry: Thanks.

Me: And you said I was lying so, this is karma.

Everyone but me and Harry: * Laughing. *

Me: Take the Veritaserum. * Gives him the bottle. *

Harry: * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * Ginny.

Ginny: * Blushing. * 😳

Ron: What the f...

Hermonie: * Puts hand over Ron's mouth. * No. * Takes hand away. *

Ron: Bloody hell!

Fred and George: * Glaring at Harry. *

Draco: You are so dead. * Laughing. *

Me: Ok, um, Ron.

Ron: * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * Do I have to?

Me: Woman up!

Ron: It's Hermonie! * Covers mouth with hands. * Whoever made this was truely gifted. 🤭

Hermonie: 😳

Ron: * Gives Hermonie the bottle. *

Hermonie: * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * It's Ron.

Harry: I knew it!

Fred: How did he?

George: Get her?

Me: * Gives Harry a pouch of money. *

Harry: Thank you.

Me: Fred George?

Fred and George: No one.

Me: Thought so. Draco.

Draco: * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * I have a small crush on Pansy.

Pansy: * Blushing. * ☺️

Me: Pansy, you're next.

Pansy: * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * Draco.

Draco: ☺️

Me: Cedric, go.

Cedric: * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * I had a small crush on Cho.

Me: Ginny?

Ginny: * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * Um, Harry.

Ron: Never would have guessed. * Sarcasm. *

Fred and George: Yeah. * Sarcasm. *

Ginny: 😳🙄

Me: Ok, only Neville and Luna are left. Neville you first.

Neville: Do I have to?

Me: You are a Grifendoor be brave for god sacks.

Neville: But I'm not.

Me: Well, unless the sorting hat was drunk, you are so, go. * Gives him the Veritaserum. *

Neville: * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * Um... Luna. * Blushing from embarrassment. * 😳

Me: * Holds out hand. *

Ginny: * Grumbels something under her breath then gives me a pouch of money. *

Me: Thank you. Luna, you're up.

Luna: * Takes a sip of Veritaserum. * Neville. 😊

Me: Called it!

Everyone but me Neville and Luna: Same.

Me: I will stop it here before Neville turns any more red. So, send us some more truth or dares. 

Ask and dare the Harry Potter chararters and me!!!Where stories live. Discover now