Dare, everyone but me.

3 0 0

Everyone but me: * Playing card games. *

Rasmus: * Burns his card angrily*

Winston: Welp, there's another game card ruined.

Adam: Ugh...

Harry: Where is Amelia?

Me: * Walks in. * Here I am. Sorry, I'm late.

Ron: What the hell is that sitting on your shoulder?!

Me: The reason why I'm late.

Lucia: * Opens her eyes. * Hm?

Harry: Yeah! What the heck is it?

Me: Guys this is Muffin. Muffin this is everyone. Muffin is a grasshopper mouse.

Hermione: But they aren't found here.

Me: Yeah your right. We believe that a student took some home with them after a trip to America and brought them to school where they got lost.

Harry: All that work for a boring old mouse?

Me: Grasser hopper mise are not boring!

Ron: Prove it!

Me: * Truns to muffin and starts talking in the mouse. * Muiffn say hi.

Muffin: *Howls. *

Everyone but me: * Shocked. *

Lucia and Adam: * Shrugged. *

Ron: The fuck!

Me: 😏

Sirius: It looks like we found Remus a pet.

Bunny: Yeah, but it sounds more like you old man.

Remus: * Slaps Sirius upside the head. *

Sirius: Ow!

Muffin: * Squikes. *

Me: She says boring my furry ass.

Lucia: * Smirks. *

Winston: Awww can I pet it?

Rasmus: NO. It's probably hellspawn.

Bunny: I like this little mouse.

Luna: What other stuff does she do?

Me: Well grasshopper mice have high immunity to scorpion venom. And they don't just eat grass seeds they are hunters.

Lucia: I swear I've heard that somewhere before.

Ron: You're joking!

Me: Nope! Muffin here is a little killer. Grasshopper mice howl after they kill to tell others to back off and let them eat.

Winston: Aww, just like Lucy, that's adorable

Lucia: Kill yourself.

Winston: That's so mean, why would you say that🥺

Lucia: I—

Winston: Besides, didn't you just get your arm amputated? I need to take care of you before I die😤


Harry: Dang.

Me: Yep. Now there is a dare for everyone here but me.

Lucia: Fucking a—

Bunny: Oh, god.

Me: Oh, no you guys will like this. It's me who will hate this dare.

Ron: What is it?

Me: The dare is, I dare you all to try and sweep Amelia off her feet in any way you can. Good luck bitches!

Ask and dare the Harry Potter chararters and me!!!Where stories live. Discover now