Truth, Hermonie.

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Me: Everyone get in here now!

Everyone: * Comes in. *

Harry: Why do you yell? We can't leave.

Me: It works better than asking.

Harry: Oh.

Fred: So what is it this time?

George: And who?

Me: It's a truth for Hermonie.

Hermonie: Yea! * Sarcasm. * 🙄

Me: The truth is who do you like?

Hermonie: No.

Neville: You have to answer.

Hermonie: On one condition.

Me: What?

Hermonie: I get to use a spell to make them forget.

Me: Only if you let me remember.

Hermonie: As long as you don't tell.

Me: Trust me, I can keep a secret.

Hermonie: Ok, give me my wand.

Me: Here. * Hands her the wand. *

Hermonie: It's Ron.

Everyone: * Shocked. *🤯

Harry: I knew it!

George: Way to go Ron.

Fred: Yeah.

Ron: 😳

Hermonie: * Waves wand. *Obliviate.

Everyone but me and Hermonie: What happened?

Me: Nothing. * Walks over to Hermonie. *

Hermonie: Here. * Gives me her wand. *

Me: Thanks. Oh, and, you two would so cute together.

Hermonie: Shut up. 😳

Me: Please send us some truth or dares.

Everyone but me: Please don't!

Me: You are playing the game and that's final!

Ask and dare the Harry Potter chararters and me!!!Where stories live. Discover now