Truth, Draco.

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Me: Dragon boy get in here!

Draco: * Walks in. * Must you call me that?

Me: Yes.

Draco: But you're the one who tamed a dragon in fourth year.

Me: * Rolls eyes. * And your name means dragon in Latin so zip it.

Harry: * Walks on. * Will you two keep it down? I could hear you fighting from the little rooms.

Me: Sorry. Oh just so you know everyone shares small bedrooms so they can't leave.

Harry: Now you tell them?

Me: Yes! Now Draco here's your truth. Who do you have a serious crush on besides the green apple, does your mom still clean your sheets back at your manor and why are you so clingy to Harry like what an attention seeker?

Draco: Why do people keep asking about an apple?

Me: I really don't know.

Draco:: Well I do have a small crush on Pansy, but nothing too big. I don't if my room back home is being cleaned because I'm not here. No, I'm not an attention seeker. As for Harry, they say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Harry: He has a point there.

Me: Oh, my god you two agreed on something!

Harry and Draco: One-time thing.

Me: 😏

Harry and Draco: Stop saying what I'm going to say!

Harry and Draco: Stop that! No, you first!

Harry and Draco: Stop that!

Me: Well, you have your answer! See you next time!

Harry and Draco: * Walkout. *

The twins: * Come in laughing. *

Me: How do you get your wands? And give them back. * Holds out my hand. *

Fred: Not saying. * Gives me his wand. *

George: Yeah. * Give me his wand. *

Me Fred and George: Bye!

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