Dare, James and Remus.

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Me: * Flying in circles. *

Rasmus: * Writing on a letter. * He...Shall...S-H-A-L-L...Not...C—How do you spell commit again?

Lucia: Who the hell are you writing to?

Rasmus: Oh, just Satan, asking for favors again.

Lucia: Bloody hell...

Luna: What are you doing?

Me: Boooorreedddd!!!!! I want something to do! So I'm flying around looking for an answer.

Neville: Fined it fast. You are making me dizzy.

Winston: * Throwing rocks at a window. * C-o-m-m-i-t, I gave you a dictionary yesterday you dimwit!

Adam: He probably burnt it.

Winston: Hm, true.

Bunny: No, I burnt it. And Winston, you're not doing it right, the window is not broken.

Winston: Oh, wow, I'm sorry miss Perfection! That window must've looked so ugly I've mistaken it for you!

Bunny: Tell me when you get SOMETHING BETTER TO CALL ME!

Winston: * Smirking. * Bloodsucker, energy drainer, Cloutchaser, Greedy witch, fugly ass—

Axel: Bene Gesserit.

Winston: What the actual...That woman doesn't deserve that title!

Axel: You called her a witch.

Me: Oh I have an idea! * Flys out of the room really fast. *

( 30 minutes later. )

Me: * Flys back in really fast and almost crashes into the wall. *

Lucia: * Barely moves out of the way. * Dammit, Potter!

Bunny: Oh, you didn't fall over. Here. * Pushes Lucia forward so she falls. * Better?

Lucia: * Gets up like nothing happened. *

Me: You act like a kitty cat. Meow.

Winston: * Smirks. *

Bunny: So what did you do?

Me: Annoying the willow tree for a but then I annoyed Pevves and Flinch.

Bunny: So you just went around annoying people?

Me: Yeah, but I also talked to a few people on the why. * Lands. *

Winston: Anything new?

Me: Yeah! * Jumps up and down. *

Bunny: And you say I have too much energy!

Me: It's been raining for a week and I haven't gone outside to play with the animles in the forest!

Harry: You aren't allowed in there!

Me: I know but... animles...

Bunny: Good going moop head! You broke her!

Draco: * Laughing. * Moophead!

Sharpttoth: * Lands on my shoulder. *

Me: * Pets him. * I know boy. We will go see your friends soon, I promise.

Ron: It's pointless to tell her she can't go there, mate.

Me: Thank you, Ron.

Hermione: I still don't think you should be going in there! It's not safe you could get hurt! Two weeks ago you went into drugging a full moon!

Me: So?

Hermione: So you could have gotten hurt if a werewolf found you!

Me: * Rolls eyes. * If I were you I would read a few more books. The only werewolves in that forest are loupgarou a small tribe of born werewolves. I have met them before in their human and wolf form and they are harmless. Besides I have both control over my powers and magic now, and I can save my own skin.

Winston: Tsk. A Potter that read her books.

Harry: Hey!

Winston: Can't blame me for saying the truth.

Hermione: * Huffs and walks off. *

Sirius: What was that about?!

Me: Me breaking the rules and not needing help and blah blah blah.

Ron: Whoa you really pissed her off.

Me: She'll be fine. Anywhy the dare is for James and Remus.

Jame and Remus: Shit.

Me: The dare is you both have to wear a dress for 24 hours. Ha!

Sirirus: Kamas bitch.

Remus: You made the dare didn't you?

Sirius: YEP!

Me: Get off your trunk.

Bunny: * Hisses and flies off the trunk. *

Me: * Opens it and pulls out two dresses. * Um should fit you dad and should fit your Remus. Although you're so damm tall I'm not sure.

Remus: Just give me the damm dress.

Me: * Hands them the dresses. * Rooms are over there.

James and Remus: * Go to get changed. *

( A few minutes later. )

Tonks: They can't fit into the dress can they?

Sirius: * Shrugs. *

James and Remus: * Walks out wearing the dresses. *

Everyone: * Laughing. *

James: Lily I can't believe you performed a wedding in one of these damm things. I can't even move my arms.

Remus: I can't even breathe.

Me: That might be a problem.

Sirius: I think that was a bad idea. Moons are turning blue.

Bunny: See ya bitches!

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