Truth, everyone.

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Me: Everyone get in here!

Everyone: * Comes in. *

Ron: What is it?

Me: We all have to say when our first kiss was. Senes you saw my yesterday I can skip.

Everyone: * Complaining. *

Me: Shut it!

Everyone: * Shuts up. *

🦗: * Chirping. *

Me: * Glares at the 🦗. *

🦗: * Stops. *

Me: Ok, them. Take a sip of the Veritaserum.

Everyone: * Takes a sip of the Veritaserum. *

Me: Harry?

Harry: Ginny third year.

Ron: What?!!!

Harry: Um...

Fred George and Ron: We will get you!!! 😡

Harry: Help me.

Ginny: Don't kill him. 🥺

Ron: Fine. I haven't had mine yet.

Hermonie: Same as Ron.

Me: Ok, Cedric, Pansy.

Cedric: Um, Cho in my fourth year.

Me: I don't like her. Next!

Pansy: Haven't had mine yet. 🙁

Me: You will. Maybe you will be dared, who knows?

Pansy: Ok.

Ginny: Harry. Second year.

Fred George and Ron: * Glaring at Harry. *

Draco: Pottah is so dead. * Laughing. * 🤣

Me: Um, Draco it's your turn.

Draco: Oh, Well, you the other day, and it was awful.

Me: I'm glad you think that. Luna?

Luna: Never had one.

Me: Good girl.

Neville: Never had one.

Draco: No surprise there.

Me: Draco no.

Draco: * Sighs. * Sorry.

Everyone but me and Draco: * Shocked. * 😮

Me: Bye!!! don't forget to comment!!!!

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