Dare, Pansy.

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Me in sing-song voice: Fred George Pansy!

Fred George and Pansy: * Walks in. *

Fred and George: * Still itching. *

Me: * Chuckles. * Pansy has a dare and you need to help her with it.

Pansy: What is it?

Me: You know how you said you haven't had your first kiss yet?

Pansy: Them?!

Fred and George: Her?!

Me: Yes. 😐

Fred and George: What did we do?!

Me: Consider this karma for making me kiss Draco.

Pansy: What did I do?!

Me: Nothing. Just bad luck.

Fred George and Pansy: * Whining and complaining. *

Me: * Pulls out wand. *Imperio.

Pansy: * Kisses Fred and George. *

Me: * Puts wand away. * Ok we're done here.

George: Did youjust ues an Unforgivable Curse on us?!

Me: You weren't going to do it willingly, and I know for a fact that a few of the treaters here have done a lot worse with Unforgivable Curses.

Fred: You still used one on us!

Pansy: Yeah!

Me: I'm done with this. Bye, don't forget to comment!

Fred George and Pansy: We aren't down with you!

Me: Yes, you are. 

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