Dare, a few people part 1.

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Me: Today is going to be fun. 😁

Neville: I'm scared.

Me: Your safe. Cedric has to go to Knockturn Alley and try his best to freak everyone there out. You can't use any curses or spells, just scare the people there.

Cedric: But I'm a Hufflepuff.

Me and Winston: Weak.

Me: Also, for truth, what is your opinion on Harry? IF HE EVER CRIED OVER YOUR DEAD BODY what would your reaction be? * Chukles. *

Harry: * Slaps me upside the head with a book. *

Me: Ow! * Grabs the book. * Hay! That's my thing get your own!

Sirius: * Laughs. *

Lily: Why couldn't one be like me?

Me: I am on most days.

Me: Hermione, punch Draco again also I dare you to act like him for a day, all bratty and willy-nilly.

Hermione: * Cracks knuckles. * This is going to be fun.

Draco: I do not act willy-nilly and. Help me. * Hides behind me. *

Me: Really dude?

Draco: She broke my nose!

Me: * Rolls eyes. * And Hermione for truth, what did you enjoy most about going to Hogwarts? And do you think that you're extremely lucky to be a muggle-born? Harry, for dares you have to spend thirteen whole minutes with Voldemort locked in a room you can't escape without cursing or killing or using any magic to hurt each other, just talk.

James: Nope! Not happening. I am not going to let that happen to my son.

Sirius: Will you ever stop acting like a mama hen?🐓

James: When you stop making stupid jokes.

Sirius: Touche.

Lily: Idotes!

Me: That's what you get when Quill flies.

All the pureblood: What?

Me: I give up! Now Harry let's do your truth.

Harry: Well when you shapeshifted into Cedric and played dead when Voldemort...

Ron: Don't say his name!

Everyone but Ron: Shut up!

Winston: 🤦🏼

Harry: As I was saying. * Glares at Ron. * I really did think that one of my best friends died. And yes I did cry.

Cedric: I'm honored.

Me: * Snorts. *😆

Harry: Shut up.

Me: Now Cedric.

Cedric: * Jumps back a little. * Yes?

Me: * Faceplaming. * Oh, for god sakes I locked you in a closet one time. I'm not going to do it again.

Remus: What happened after I got fired?

Winston: A load of Thestral dung.

Me: Go to Knockturn Alley and scare some little kids right now.

Cedric: Yes ma'am. * Runs off. *

Me: Call me that again and you will be stuck in that broom closet for a week!

Neville: Calm down.

Me: * Huffs. * Fine. * Pulls out a computer. *

Ron: Is that the thing you said I should get for my dad?

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