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Pitch Black

Darkness had always been engulfed around Marissa Morozova. The difference this time was the colour of her hair matched the pitch black cuts on her face.

    She hadn't wasted any time trying to think about her brother being alive. Instead, she just simply stayed in her cavern until Kaz, Jesper or Inej popped up. Marissa had her doubts about returning to Ketterdam for various reasons, but Kaz was persistent, and no one had the time in the world to attempt to change his mind, even Marissa.

    Marissa called in a favour from an old friend. She had only realised she knew him before he brought her back to Ketterdam before the Crows departed to the Little Palace a few nights ago. Before then, they were close, and if any favours were asked by the other, they'd step in. And Marissa didn't exactly feel like seeing a drawing of her face everywhere she went with the words 'Wanted Dead Or Alive' above or below.

    "Nice cave."

    Marissa threw her knife at the suspect.

    "I nearly gave you a stab wound, Nik." Marissa scolded, referring to the retired nickname.

    Nikolai laughed, "that's an old one." He mused. "So, why am I here exactly? What do you need?" Nikolai asked.

    Marissa sighed, "care to help take down a few wanted posters of myself and my crew?"

    Nikolai cracked his infamous grin.


    Marissa covered her face with the hood of her jacket. No more attention needed to be drawn to her. Not now, not ever. She didn't need the world to see who she was or what she was.

    In her attempt to find her crew, it was a dead end. Quite literally. Nikolai had wandered off to take care of the request, so she was alone, until someone she did not want to see showed up. Someone she hated more than her brother.


    It took Marissa a second to recall the alias she was using in Ketterdam. "Rollins." She spat.

    "Take her to my office." Pekka ordered the men.

    They grabbed a firm hold on her forearms. Marissa twisted her left arm, shaking out of one of the grips, then she cut the other man's hand off, causing him to scream and shout in pain and despair. Marissa disappeared in the shadows silently when Pekka turned his back for one second.

    No one had seen her face. They just knew her by her jacket. That reminded her about needing a new one.

    She almost literally ran into Kaz in a different alleyway. "Kaz?"

    "Marissa." Kaz replied, quickly glancing at her.

    She looked around, "where's Jesper?" She questioned.

    Kaz scoffed, "I don't keep track." He looked at her, seeing the small, fresh patch of blood on her hands. "Who did you stab?"

    "One of Pekka's men. Cut his hand off." Marissa's answer was blunt.

    Marissa could have sworn Jesper appeared out of thin air. He looked at Marissa's face and his eyes widened, even more when he saw the new colour of her hair. "Wow. Okay. That is a new colour— and the... the cuts?"

    "Doesn't matter." Marissa brushed it off. She knew that Jesper would most likely bring it up at some point, but right now was not that time.

    Marissa knew a storm was coming, ruin would rise and the curse of the fold was going to become either worse or better.

Marissa calling Nikolai Nik >>>

They are going to be one of the many iconic duos containing Marissa in this fic

Okay, bye!

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