𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟

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You Tried To Kill The Wrong Woman

Marissa was partially listening to Jesper and Wylan as they tried on masks and hats, then Inej and Kaz walked in.

"It'll mimic it in every way?" Kaz asked Wylan after opening the box. Wylan nodded. "Good." Kaz looked at Jesper.

"You're gonna say you can't do this without me, yeah? And that you hate it when we're angry at each other, but sometimes brothers fight. And that when all this is over, you'll open a tab for me at the club of my choosing, 'cause when Pekka's gone, you'll take it all. That's what you were gonna say. Yes?" Jesper guessed.

"There's a cap on the tab. But otherwise, yes. To all of that." Kaz said with a hint of a smile.

"Then let's go take down the king." Jesper said.

"The plan is this. Jesper and Wylan, you're gonna hand out Komedie Brute costumes and vials of the compound to all of the Dregs. Per Haskell's gang, our gang now. By sunset, the streets will be crawling with Sankt Emerens revelers. They'll provide us with the cover we need. Hit all of Pekka's businesses, the clubs, the brothels. All to destroy Pekka's reputation. Marissa will go in the closest alleyways and there will most likely be people on the outside, scouting, so she'll take care of that using shadow creation and manipulation. Inej will cover Fifth Harbor, and when the chaos begins, she'll hand the note to Pekka's driver." Kaz started to explain.

Marissa wasn't really sure when Nina had arrived.

"Nina and I will handle the Emerald Palace. See you there." Kaz finished explaining.

"No mourners." Jesper said.

"No funerals." Marissa, Kaz, Jesper and Inej all said, confusing Wylan and Nina.

Wylan, Inej and Jesper all started to head out while Kaz, Nina, and Marissa hung back for a minute. Nina finished her glass of alcohol, setting it down with a smile.

"You've been quiet." Kaz mused.

Nina licked her lips.

"Ready?" Kaz asked, turning to face her. Then Nina swung at him, punching him in the face.

"Marissa, stop." Kaz said in shock.

"I didn't say anything. Or do anything." Marissa said, trying to hold in a laugh.

Kaz glared at her as she walked off.

Marissa stayed in the shadows, holding the spray in hand as she hid. A man walked over to her, one in uniform. He tried to cut her, but she felt something throw the blade away. It wasn't her and no one was in sight. She ignored it for now and grabbed the blade and drove it into his heart, twisting the blade, then she let him fall. He was still alive.

She brought her foot up, then let it hover over his neck.

"Please... don't do this."

"You tried to kill the wrong woman." Marissa had a deadly smirk on her lips.


Marissa cocked her head. "Goodnight." She said with a grin. There was a snap when her combat boot harshly collided with the man's neck, she twisted the neck slightly and the life drained of him.

She heard a gun click behind her. Marissa knew what she could have done. She could have used a shadow to just throw him to the ground, but she didn't. The bullets about to be fired, along with the knife this man had in his hand... they would have nearly killed her. She heard a voice in her head, basically telling her what to do. It wasn't in control, it was just helping.

Marissa's eyes went cold as she brought her hands up and threw a sharp blade of darkness across the alleyway, cutting the man's head off. She backed up, realising what she had just done. She didn't even realise why.

Someone was telling her to protect herself, but it wasn't a saint. Marissa knew the voice, but it didn't sound like him. Aleksander wasn't one to care, so why would he help Marissa to safety. It was in character for him to suggest suffering or murder, but still. One might have thought he was actually a caring older brother.

Marissa started to go back to the rendezvous spot, wiping the blood she had splattered across her face. But before she even left the entire area, she looked back at the two dead bodies. She brought her one hand up and waved her hand, making them disintegrate to ash in the shadows.

Marissa smirked, walking away from the haunted alleyway.

So... yeah, that happened

Yes, it was Kirigan in her head, telling her to kill the 2nd man, and yes, it was him that technically swiped the blade away from the 1st man

Okay, bye!

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