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The Shadow Heretic

The world was full of opposites and exacts. Shadows and darkness, night & day, peace and violence, soldiers and criminals... but sometimes balance is what caused absolute chaos. The world was harsh, but it could be mended like a broken heart tended by a Healer. It was hard to distinguish between Sinners and Saints now.

    The world now knew the difference between The Black Heretic and The Shadow Heretic, the true history and lore of it all. It was written in ink on the pages in books, told in almost every household, in the Grisha homes, and even the non-Grisha homes. The world now knew that The Shadow Heretic was just a heavy title for a broken woman who had to go to hell and back, but returned with bravery and an iron heart. She was not Aleksander Morozova, she was Marissa Morozova, his younger sister.

    She had helped train and teach Grisha alongside Zoya, helped provide protection for everyone with Genya, and protected Alina and Nikolai when it was necessary.

    With her head lifted, a powerful woman roamed through the streets of Ketterdam, doing her best to not let her new black jacket get dirt stains on it.

    Rare. It wasn't raining. It was daylight. She opened the door to Wylan's, and got looks from the others.

    "Marissa, good to see you return after so long." Jesper grinned.

    "Well, a certain king said I needed a break from training and teaching." Marissa said, walking down the staircase.

    It was all a circle. There was a Sun Summoner, the war was over now. Possibly another would arrive, but for now, they were safe. This little group was not perfect, but they were a family. Broken, but beautiful.

    Wylan couldn't take it anymore, he ran over to Marissa and hugged her. "I'm really glad you're back." Wylan said with a smile.

    Marissa hugged him back, "I'm glad to be back too." Marissa said as Wylan pulled away.

    He looked at her like a child would at their mother. Obviously she wasn't, but ever since Wylan had met her, she became like a mother figure to him. In other words, he looked up to her, and he was happy that she was back, even for a little while.

    Almost everything was perfect, except they were missing two Crows. But, it could be much worse. They could still be fighting a nearly impossible fight against Marissa's brother. Nearly six months after his death, and Marissa still wasn't completely over it.

    The war was over, and it had been a long time since Marissa felt this free and with a weight off her shoulders. If only Aleksander could see her now, guaranteed he probably could. He would be smiling, contrary to what everyone would think, mostly because his sister was finally embracing her power.

And... this is now complete!

As always, you don't have to read the end note, it just gives some insight into this series, some graphics, etc. but if not, thank you for reading Marissa's story!

Okay, bye!

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