𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑥

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Two Crows Of A Feather

Marissa did eventually wake up, but it took a long time, much longer. Once she stood up, she fell backwards as if she had been pushed by her mother's force. She looked up and suddenly was in another projection.

This one was different. It had herself, Aleksander and their mother. Marissa looked up from her spot on the ground, across from Aleksander.

"We have lived through an eternity together. There is no need for this. Have some faith in me!" Aleksander's voice rose.

"It can't go on, boy." Baghra told him.

"Then let me end it." Aleksander started, standing up. "Tell me where to find the Firebird."

"It's too late for the Firebird and for bargains." Baghra said, stepping forward.

"Please don't threaten me. It will be worse for you."

Marissa staggered as she pushed herself up off the floor.

"I love you, Marissa. Know that I loved you, Aleksander. Know that it wasn't enough." Baghra whispered, raising her hands as Aleksander shook his head.

Marissa's eyes widened. The two Morozova siblings went through physical pain whenever the other did. Why would this be any different?

"Stop. No!" Aleksander screamed out as the shadow monsters started grabbing his arms.

Baghra only then noticed how Marissa was feeling the exact same thing, even when no monster reached her. Marissa leaned against the wall, hissing in pain, then the pain released when Baghra dropped to the ground. Aleksander was let go, and both of them rushed to their mother.

Aleksander held their mother while Marissa was sat down beside them.

"I... I never meant for this, I swear." Aleksander rambled quietly.

"Shush, child. Shush now. It's already happened." Baghra said, then she cut off Aleksander's hand.

Marissa only felt a slight pain in her wrist. Marissa had tears forming in her eyes while Aleksander was crying. Their mother turned to ash and dust that floated into the shadows.

"I'm sorry." Aleksander mumbled.

Marissa stayed. She couldn't move. It was like every part of her just couldn't do it anymore. Aleksander looked at his sister, who he knew didn't want to let the tears fall. He gave her a look to show that it was okay to not hold it together.

Marissa stood up, noticing Aleksander was. She was thinking if she just wished she could go, she could. But she couldn't. Aleksander pulled his sister close to his chest, it was out of the ordinary for him. Despite wanting to leave, Marissa found herself letting the tears fall onto her brother's kefta as he for some unknown reason ran his fingers through her hair as a comfort for both of them, just like he used to do when they were children.

Marissa pulled away, wiping her tears gently. "I could have stopped her—"

"You almost died because of me, sister. I don't intend to let that happen." Aleksander told her.

Marissa furrowed her brows when she heard familiar voices. Aleksander frowned slightly when his sister left to wake up.

Marissa woke up in an open field with the Crows, Zoya and Tolya near her.

"Oh good, you're awake, finally!" Jesper exclaimed. "What happened?" He asked.

Marissa waved it off, "nothing." She lied, standing up and she started to walk away.

"You don't even know what happened here—"

"Then tell me. Did you get the blade?"


"There, all I needed to know, right?" Marissa said, turning around.

They all furrowed their brows when they saw her tear-stained cheeks.

"Marissa, what happened?" Nina questioned. She knew damn well that Marissa was not one for emotions, especially sadness.

"It doesn't matter." Marissa lied once again, walking away.

Well, this fic is almost done!

1 more chapter + epilogue + the end note and this series is done

Okay, bye!

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