𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒

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Blood Of Fury

Marissa stayed in a hidden area alone. She didn't want the others worrying about her now bleeding scars. The scars bleeding and the recent, frequent headaches were her brother's problem, she knew that damn well.

Nina walked in, "hello, gorgeous." She greeted with a smile, then her expression changed when she realised the 3 cuts across Marissa's face. "Marissa... what happened to you? You didn't have those when you were on the ship."

"My brother is still alive. I know it. Because when he 'died' in the Fold, I felt that pressure, but then it stopped. I only got these 3 scars."

"Wait, so you're saying whenever Kirigan gets hurt, you get hurt? The exact same way. Is it vice-versa?"

"Yes, and yes." Marissa answered.

"Well, let me help you clean the black blood off." Nina said, taking the cloth. When Nina tried to help heal her, it didn't help. "Saints, you and your brother are as stubborn as can be." Nina mused.

Time had gone by and Marissa swore she could hear her mother scream. Marissa sat on the cold ground, bringing her knees up to her chest. She buried her head in her knees.

Something more was coming. She knew that. Her brother had warned her and she could feel it. She started to cough and shiver. Marissa had a feeling that Aleksander had found Morozova's journal, their grandfather.

Her hand started hurting again and she hissed in pain. When she bit her lip to suppress a shout of pain and misery, she ripped a small piece off, making blood drip down furiously.

Marissa looked up and her eyes narrowed at the sight of her brother. His lip was now starting to bleed as well.

"You're a pain in the ass, you know that, right?" Marissa said, sniffing. Usually, she could tolerate pain, but right now, it was all too much at once.

"I have been told that."

"What did you do to Mother?" She asked, scowling at him.

Aleksander paused. "I—"

"What did you do?" Marissa asked in a much more furious tone, pushing herself up off the ground.

"I cut her finger off. Morozova used to use human bones as amplifiers—"

Marissa scoffed. "So this is how you thank Mother for putting up with all of your shit for centuries... cutting her finger off just to gain more power."

"You're not so perfect yourself—"

"I know that! Believe me, I will be the first to say I'm nothing in relation to perfection in any way. But cutting off her finger? You're insane, brother."

"I need you to do me a favour." Aleksander said softly.

Marissa's mouth gaped open as she scoffed. "You think I'm going to help you? After everything you've done?"

"Morozova's journal is gone. It is the key to me— us getting better. So, if you'd like to not suffer for an eternity, keep an eye out for it if it happens to come your way." Aleksander pleaded.

Marissa opened her eyes. She touched her lip with her finger and realised there was no more blood. It was completely fine now. And apparently, Nina was off to Hellgate.

I know it's a short chapter, but oh well-

Also Marissa just being in shock of her brother cutting off their mother's finger-

Okay, bye!

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