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"I'm kind of, not ready to go back" I admit to Johan as I take another sip of my iced tea. 

"I get it" he agrees as we look out on the setting sun on top of a hill in Hyde Park, "how do you think this season will play out?" he asks. 

Pulling my knees up toward my chest, I hug them tight as the setting sun throws a blanket of shade across the mountain, dropping the temperature immediately. "I don't even want to think about it to be honest. I swear mother almost had an aneurysm having to be seated across the table from Lando at Christmas, I don't know how she's going to cope with this season" 

Johan lets out an amused chuckle at the memory. It look the longest amount of convincing to let mother allow Lando to join us for Christmas lunch over the holidays. There were strict rules on how long he was able to stay for and at the family meeting the night before she gave out flash cards of acceptable topics that were allowed to be discussed. No surprises that Formula 1 was strictly off the table, and for the Verstappen household, that was a very unusual occurrence. 

"Have you told Lando about Florence yet?" and I assume his question is rhetorical. Because, of course I hadn't. 

"Johan" I groan, throwing my head against my knees and letting out fabricated crying sounds. 

He chuckles, "It's only 2 weeks, I'm sure he's not going to care." 

Turns out, after my visit to Florence the previous year, they were so impressed with my work I was offered a position in their Summer Workshop to work with some of the worlds most respected artists during the Italian Art Festival. Only problem was, Lando and I had planned to go on vacation at the same time, during the two weeks off they had in July. 

"I'll tell him soon" I lie, because I know I'll be putting it off until the last minute. 

I see him shake his head out the corner of my eye, knowing me too well, but he lets it go for now. "What time is Lando finishing tonight?" he asks. 

I tap the screen of my phone, illuminating the time, and also an unanswered message. It was 5:30 in the afternoon at the beginning of February. We were due to set off for pre-season testing in roughly 2 weeks. "I think it's soon, he said he'd call" I advise as he begins to pack up our picnic. 

"Is that Charles?" he asks, pointing to my phone where I've swipped away the text message. 

I look up at him as I open my message history, scrolling to show the amount of unanswered messages Charles has sent me in the past few weeks and nod my head. 

Johan purses his lips at me in sympathy, "Ev," he begins, but I cut him off. 

"It's all a little complicated, Lando and I are finally on good terms and I just, I dunno, it feels like I'm cheating on him if I speak with Charles." I confess. 

"Has Lando said that?" he asks in all seriousness. 

I shake my head, "No, but I can just tell it's a touchy subject" 

"Well, if you want my opinion" 

"I don't" I tease, earning me a knowing look. 

"Charles deserves an explanation" he suggests and I agree, which is why I didn't need the opinion. 

"I know" I agree, slipping my phone back into my jacket pocket. "I'll talk to him" 

Johan laughs, "You've got a long list of people you 'have to talk too'" he teases. 

I can't even get mad, my procrastination tactics are my worst trait, and I know that, but it's all about timing. There are some things you can't just blurt out, and there are some things that can't be said over text message. 

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