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"Talk to me" I encourage as I can feel him shaking through the palm of my hand.

Johan doesn't speak, he just stares at the floor and it's the first time in a long time I've found him speechless. He's the guy that's always got something to say.

"Where did you meet Gabriel?" I ask, trying to help guide the conversation.

"Last summer" he mumbles, unmoving from his staring competition with the carpet.

"That's nice" I try and remain upbeat, "how come you haven't told me about him?"

Johan just shrugs, but I can see his brain working at a million miles per hour.

I scoot over in my position on the bed, turning my butt around so my back is now to him and lay myself down, resting my head inside his lap, giving him no choice but to look at me. This makes him smile as he lets his fingers brush through my hair.

"Do you want to know what I think?" I chirp.

"Tell me" Johan chuckles.

"I think, we should, order in some ice cream"

Johan chuckles and nods his head. "Ice cream is a must"

"And Johan," I add, his attention unmoving from my face, "I can't wait to hear more about Gabriel"

Johan can't hold back the smile that spreads across his face at the mentioning of his name, and that smile tells me everything I need to know. But it's quickly over taken by this incredible fear.

"My parents" is all he mumbles and I get it.

I hold his hands in mine on top of my stomach, letting my thumb graze back and forth offering some comfort. "Will love you, that's never going to change Johan"

His head shakes, "Maybe this will be the thing that does"

My heart breaks for him, "Impossible."

"But they'll, they think I'm like" he darts around an explanation, but I get it. I've known Johan's parents since I was in my early teenage years. And lately, I've heard them ask about when he's going to get a girlfriend and they would joke about expecting grandchildren any day now. And of course, the latter is still possible, but I understand that in Johan's mind right now, he feels like he's letting them down.

"Johan, they just want you to be happy. There isn't any rules on who you're meant to choose to make you happy. There never has been. You decide who you get to love in this world, and nobody can question that"

"That's easy for you to say" he defeats.

"I know you must feel like you're going to be bringing this roof down on them, but do you think they might already have some idea?" I throw the question out there.

I feel his hand squeeze in mine. "Did you know? Like did you suspect?" He asks.

And it makes me chuckle a little, "Johan, I never like, presumed you were straight, my reaction to you introducing me to your boyfriend is no different if you introduced me to your girlfriend. As long as they are nice to you, and accept that we are a package deal, I'm thrilled for you"

"But you know me so much better than my parents do."

I squeeze his arm, "I'm here for you, okay, if you decide you want to like, tell them, I'll be there for you, but don't feel like it's something you need to explain to them. You're not admitting to selling drugs for a living, or forgoing paying your taxes, you're introducing them to someone you care about"

"He's not my boyfriend, by the way" he admits shyly.

"Yet" I wink, sliding myself off his lap and rolling to stand up. "Now, chocolate supreme?" I ask as I approach the phone.

LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now