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None of us went back to Singapore.

We all stayed with Evelyn for her final week in hospital and then helped to transport her back to London to begin her recovery process there.

There had been no improvement in her memory, but every single moment I spent with her, I could see the connection returning between us and I felt more hopeful with every day that passed. Maybe not that she would remember, but that she would continue to be mine.

Evelyn's custom made hospital bed has been set up in the living room of the families London cottage where she has floor to ceiling views of the River Thames right in front of her. She's currently asleep and Max, Charles and I are hauled up in the kitchen around a freshly made cup of tea.

"I have to go to Japan" Max informs.

"Me too" Charles agrees.

They look at me in unison and I take a strategic sip from my tea.

"Lando?" Max asks, "Do you have to go?"

"Yeah" I mumble, "But I'm not going to?"

There heads snap to me in shock, "What? What do you mean?"

"I fucked this up big time once. I made her feel alone and unwanted once. I'm not making the same mistake. My contract with McLaren is secure until 2026, so I know I have a seat next year when everything goes back to normal. Zak is placing Palou in my seat until the end of the year and I'm going to stay here with Ev"

"She's going to kill you" Charles warns.

I chuckle into my tea, "Yeah I know. But that's okay"

"What time is Johan coming back?" Max asks

"He should be here around 5" we glance up to the clock on the wall and it's only 5 minutes until 5 o clock.

"I'll go wake, Ev" Charles informs.

"Are you making the right decision?" Max asks as soon as Charles is out of the room.

"Yes" I reply with no hesitation, "this is where I need to be"



I arrived at the cottage almost 3 weeks ago now. Lando has been by my side through absolutely everything. And whilst it's been getting easier and easier to be around him, I still don't understand it.

Physical therapy has been excruciating and there are so many moments I want to give up. Like right now.

"I can't. It hurts" I cry out as I'm gait training between two long bares, trying to teach my legs how to walk again.

"You can do this, Ev. I've got you" Lando comforts as he holds placement of my hips, crouching in front of me and shuffling back with every small inch I make.

"I need to have a break, please" I beg. Lando shifts a quick look to Todd, my physiotherapist who nods.

In one swift motion Lando scoops me up into his arms and carries me out of the makeshift studio that was once the dining room. As he sits me down onto the bed and helps guide my legs up onto the mattress, his hand brushes, gently across my back, sending a shiver down my spine. Our eyes make contacts for the briefest of moments, and I recognise a simple sadness within him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask him as he uses the knuckle of his right hand to wipe into his eye, turning his head from me.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, sorry must've been some dust" he explains.

"I really don't feel like I'm getting any better at this" I admit in defeat

"Don't say that Ev, last week you couldn't even push-up onto your legs, now you're practically walking" his forced optimism makes me smile.

I give him a sarcastic look, "you know what I mean" he adds.

"Do you regret your decision?" I asked him he looks at me, concerned.

"regret what?" he is taking a seat in the lounge chair diagonal to my bed.

"Staying here with me, I never asked you to give up you're driving for me"

Nodding his head, his hands clasp together in front of him, "I didn't give up my driving Ev, I'll be back next year. It will be good for Alex to be able to get some decent time in a Formula One car. I think Alpha Tauri has their eye on him for next year."

I nod my head silently, still feeling guilty and responsible for him being here.

"Do you think any of your memories are coming back?" He asks me, that same glimmer of hope in his eyes.

I want to tell him, yes, I want to tell him that they're starting to come back in bits and pieces, when the truth is the last thing I really remember is being at testing at the start of the 2023 season. Everything else after that seems like darkness. I still haven't been able to wrap my head around the fact that we are past halfway through the following year.

I shake my head at him, feeling like I am letting him down.

"Oh" he mutters. 

"Can you tell me about our friendship, I'd like to hear some memories you have of the past 18 months?"

"The doctors, they say, it's not good for you to hear memories from me, that it could impact your own recovery. I guess they explained it like watching home videos, you have pictures in your mind of something you should remember from your childhood, in reality, you don't remember it, you just remember the video. If I explain our friendship to you, you're only ever going to get to know that story" his tone is coated with an apology.

I knew what he was talking about, the doctors and psychologists had drilled that into me as well. They consistently tell me not to force the memory, but when someone keeps telling you that you're missing 18 months of your life, it's only natural to do whatever you can to recover some parts.

"I'm really sorry, though", he adds, "I really wish I could"

"What if you take me to a memory?" I suggest. "The doctors are allowing me to leave the house with supervision in the wheelchair, maybe if you take me somewhere that holds your memories, maybe it might trigger something?" I shrug my shoulders.

His face lights up, "that might work. I'll speak to your doctor, there are a few places I could take you."

"I'd really like that" I blush.

"Although, a lot of our connection happened overseas in other countries, but I think there are a few places I can take you hear that may help bring back your memory"

"Can I ask you something" I whisper, his eyes piercing into mine edge me to go on.

"What is it that made us become friends? I know you're not allowed to tell me pieces puzzle, but I feel like I should know why I'm connected to you, and I just can't place it." The question feels awkward to even think about let alone ask. Especially Lando.

"I've known about you for a long time Evelyn, although Max got into the Formula One game before me, my family and I have been watching him for years, we always knew of his little sister that was tagged along to all the races. I don't know why we didn't talk earlier, I think it was my own pride and stubbornness that I didn't feel you were relevant to my position in the Formula One , but there were just certain moments, certain conversations that led us to becoming friends" he says the last part with a smile, reliving his own memories about our past, it makes me jealous.

I nod my head, understandingly, "well for what it's worth, although I can't remember it, I am glad it happened" I admit.

"I am too, Ev"

LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now