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Lando was penalised a 10 second penalty for causing a collision with Charles, moving him all the way down to 17th, out of a podium, out of the points.

As if he needed any more reason to fuel his hatred toward Charles, Ferrari had insisted a more harsh punishment be given toward Lando in the next race.

He barely spoke to me on the way back to the villa, though his fingers were working overtime on his phone, my guesses towards his manager and Zak.

I follow him in silence all the way back to our villa and we go to bed much the same, however I hardly get any sleep that night. I lay awake and consider how many relationships I need to forfeit to keep the one with Lando. I feel him coming between every single connection I have, and the trouble being that I'd choose him in a heartbeat. I'd choose him a thousand times over. But I've never felt confident that he'd choose me in return.

I roll over so my back is toward Lando, the darkness surrounding us and only the mixture of our breathing surrounding the walls.

"Evelyn?" I hear Lando mumble my name, unsure if he's awake or asleep.

I hum back to him in response.

"Can I ask you something that is totally unfair of me to ask you, but I need to do it?" He requests, and I can tell, his back is toward me too. Like proper enemies, we aren't going to face this one together.

I lay in silence, awaiting his proposal.

"Your friendship with Charles" he mutters, and my eyes squeeze shut, as if trying to disappear from this reality. "It does something to me, and I can't control it. I've tried to suppress it, but it's there. And I need it gone"

I leave my eyes pinned shut but let out a staggered breath. "I think I'm losing it anyway" I admit.

"Then don't save it"

I hear him shuffle in the sheets as the bed responds to his movement as he is now facing my back.

"I don't have feelings for Charles, Lando" my last bid to try and change his mind, although I know it's pointless.

"We will never have what you have with him, and I can't compete whilst he's still there"

I turn to face him this time, struggling to understand. "We have so much more than what I have with Charles" and it leaves a bitter taste on my tongue.

"Evelyn, I need you to do this, for me" is all he responds, not believing my last statement anymore than I did.

But I can't answer him right away. My body won't allow me to nod or shake my head. My voice betrays me of sound. I just stare at him.

"Okay" a mumbled version falls from my lips and all he does is turn away before I hear the sounds of slumber overtake him.

I roll back to not face my reality, my heart shattering as I do and I just get this overwhelming feeling I can't be here right now.

I want to go home. Whatever is happening this season seems so much more intense than last year and we are meant to be heading to Australia tomorrow.

Heading to Australia has always felt like being the furthest from home. Whether it's geographical or just the feeling I get, I've never really liked going there all that much anyway.


As everyone else touches down in the autumn winds of the land down under, my plane sets off for London.

Lando is not pleased about my leaving, but made the comment of implying we both needed some space. I hate the way it's all come to this, but I hate the way Lando made me choose, and it made me nervous for who next was on his list.

I messaged Johan as I was getting on my flight, but I hadn't had time to see him before I left to explain and say a proper goodbye.

My one way ticket to London was enough to give an undetermined time frame on my journey home.

As my plane touches down a few hours later and my car takes me back to a hotel in central London, I'm not thrilled to be still living out of a suitcase given that our apartment is currently being used for holiday travellers, but at least this time it's in my home town.

Rolling my suitcase into my deluxe suite, I flop myself down on the bed, catching glimpse of the time just before my head hits the soft mattress.


That's definitely enough to call it quits for one more day.


By the time morning comes, I'm feeling a little more refreshed, but still anxious about everything happening on the other side of the world. At least this time, I can't be the blame for any of it.

I head down to the local coffee shop and order a grande black coffee and ham and cheese croissant, parking myself in the small table closest to the window.

Kicking my feet up onto the chair opposite me, I let my bag fall heavy onto the seat beside me, retrieving my copy of "The Atlas Six", turning over the first page and not letting a single Formula 1 thought pass through my mind.

Explanation central, main attraction - WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? - Johan

Okay so it was great for the 2 minutes it lasted.

I pick up my phone and hit the reply

I told you, things are getting heated there and I needed a breather. Learn to read your messages. I'll be back in a few races, I just think everyone needs time out - Evelyn

Just as his three dots begin their reply, a message appears at the top of my screen from Charles.

You need to let me know if I'm part of some hit list. I don't want to die and be buried next to some kangaroo - Charles

His message makes me smile, and the very fact that the first thought that popped into my head is that there was no way Lando would know if I replied to him now, made me feel like an awful person.

Another message from Johan and one from Lando

I read it, I just don't understand it. And you've left Gabriel to fight the wolves of Red Bull. How can I ever forgive you? - Johan

Hope you arrived safely, I think this was the best decision for everyone right now. Keep safe and let me know when you plan on returning to me - Lando

I lock my phone, placing it face down on the table and reminding myself that I am here on a break from all of this drama.

I return to my book and take a sip from my coffee, indulging in the fact I can actually enjoy it from a mug rather than quick sips through the paddock.

"Hi, sorry," I'm interrupted by someone standing at the chair I'm currently resting my feet upon.

I look up to see a gorgeous brunette with hair chopped to her shoulders, glasses perched on top of her head starring at me.

"This place is packed today, and I was kind of hoping to do the same as you" she gestures to my book and then down to her own that's tucked under her arm. "Do you mind if I" she hesitates, looking down at my feet placement.

"Oh, of course, please" I quickly pull my feet back.

"Thankyou, I won't bother you, I promise. I'm Charlotte by the way" she introduces.

"Evelyn, nice to meet you" we exchange a quick handshake before she sets herself down, pulling her book open to her tagged section and does exactly what she informed she would be doing.

LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now