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"Bonjour princesse!!" I hear being called from the front door and I almost forget my legs don't work when I go to rush up and run to him. 

"Oh my god" I can feel the tears brimming at the very sight of him. "You're here" 

"I'm here, I'm sorry I took so long" He apologises, flopping himself down right next to me and kicking up his legs so they are right next to me, mimicking my position on the bed. He throws his arms around my shoulders and pulls me to him, having me lay against his chest. 

I feel a soft kiss at the top of my head before he rests his head against mine. 

"Congratulations on your win at Qatar!" I gush, realising I hadn't been able to say it in person. 

"Merci bébé" He reaches his other arm in front of my face so he can toggle with the bracelets on his wrist. "Where's Lando?" 

"Shower I think" Lando made himself scarce basically right on the hour mark that I predicted Charles arrival. 

"How is everything?" he asks in a softer tone. I miss how calm I always feel around him. 

I throw my head back and sigh up to the ceiling. 

"That good huh?" he mocks. 

"I feel like he's expecting all these things from me, and I don't know how to give them to him." I admit. 

"How do you mean?" he asks, shuffling his body so it's angled a little more to me. 

"It's just, I know he can't tell me anything, like about us, but I feel like he isn't helping me to remember either, you know. Like there have been so many moments, where I can just tell, in the way he looks at me, or certain ways he touches me, and I can't help but feel.. connected, but I just.. I don't know" 

"Have you tried talking to him?" he states like it should be obvious. 

"He wouldn't answer me even if I tried" I admit defeat, allowing my head to fall to the side further into his chest. "You need to tell me, Charles" I mumble. 

"Tell you what, princesse?" he comforts. 

"Did Lando and I fall in love?" 

I hear his defeated sigh, and I feel the way it makes his chest collapse with his heavy breath out, "Ev" he sighs. 

I groan, "Charles please. I need to know" 

"Do you love him now?" he asks. 

"That's the hard part, I feel like I do. But I don't know why?" I puled. "Does that make sense?" 

"Explain it to me" he pushes. 

"Like, you know how long I've been crushing over him, right. But you don't develop love for someone when you don't even know them. And right now, I don't really know anything about him. But when I'm with him, I feel the love he has for me and it just exposes the love I have for him" 

I can feel him nodding against me, "That makes sense, Ev." 

"I just don't know what to do with that feeling." 

Charles grasps my hands with his free one, engulfing my two hands with his one. "Give it time" 

"That's all I have been doing" I whinge. 

"Hey Charles" we hear Lando's voice as he enters the living area. 

"Hey Lando, how's it going mate?" Charles hopes up off the bed, leaving a coldness when he does and goes to greet Lando. They give each other some weird awkward hug, it confuses me. 

LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now