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"Can't sleep?" I ask him as I approach the lounge area.

I watch as he folds a dog ear into his book and settles it on the armrest, his arm then holding it in place. "Not really. I don't know what's wrong with me" he chuckles. "What about you?"

I point in the direction of where I just come from. "Johan" and it's pretty much the only explanation anyone needs.

"Uh" he sounds, and I hate the awkward tension between us.

"I'm real sorry about before" he apologise, referring to the incident in the pool.
(Stop it, I can already hear your comments)

Charles just shrugs, "I get it"

"You do?" I ask him.

"Last season was a tough time for everyone, but you were always going to pick Lando. It will always be Lando" he confesses.

"I wasn't sure, if you," and I don't want to complete my sentence. It sounds too assumption.

"What?" The smile on his face tells me he knows exactly what I'm talking about. "That I was interested in you?"

"Yeah" I mutter.

"Of course I was" and now that he says it, it becomes obvious to me. "But you were always looking at him, so I knew it was no good"

And suddenly, I feel like a really shitty person.

"I didn't know" I admit as my only defence when the truth is, I should have known.

Charles chuckles, "It's fine, how could you have known. It's not like I had the balls to come up to you and admit it" he mocks. "But its fine. You're with him now and I'm over it"

I don't want to admit his comment stings, but somewhere deep in my stomach that hurts.

"I should get going" I admit and Charles nods in agreement.

"Goodnight Ev" he whispers.

"Goodnight, Charles"

I turn on my heel and make my way for Lando's room. My room.

As I open the door, the villa is in complete darkness. I try my best not to wake Lando.

It's been a massive day and I am ready for bed. The boys start testing in 2 days and then the season just rolls on in one big hit.

Sliding into bed after removing all my clothing except my underwear, I slide in and try and feel around in the dark to get a reading on what position Lando is in.

"Hey baby" he whispers into the darkness.

"Sorry I'm late" I apologise.

"That's okay" he mumbles as he pulls me in close to him, I can feel our bodies only millimetres away from each other. "Did you have a good night?"

"I did" is all I can answer.

"You had chocolate ice cream" he mocks and I cover my mouth in embarrassment, resulting in a larger chuckle.

"Goodnight Lando" I mutter into my hand.

He kisses my forehead and tucks my head into the space below his neck, I breath him in completely and take mental notes on how this feels. Being this close to him. Being able to hold him and love him.


The next morning after breakfast, all the teams break off into their individual groups as they all have different stuff they need to take care of. Red Bull has a full line up of media commitments today and Christian has instructed I must be on voice record of all of them. I've been assigned way more responsibilities this year than any year in the past and I can't help but wonder if it's to keep me preoccupied.

I finish up getting ready in the villa, wearing a pair of loose fitting tan cotton pants and a black cropped tank top. Lando has on all of his papaya gear, and I roll my eyes as he throws the hoodie on over the top of his head.

"You realise it's like 20 degrees right" I mock as he enters the bathroom.

He positions himself right up behind me, snaking his arms around my stomach as I lean into him, resting my head back on his shoulder.

He stares at me for a beat too long it's almost awkward "Yes" he sasses, planting a kiss onto my cheek.

"You look gorgeous by the way" he compliments as he pulls my curled hair into his hands and guides it down the length of my back, his fingers grazing my skin and sending an influx of shivers through my body.

I watch his touch through the mirror, watching as his fingers make their way over every inch of my skin that is exposed and I don't have the time for where my mind is heading right now.

"Lando" I mumble. I check down at my watch, "I only have 5 minutes" I groan.

He suddenly flips me to face him, pressing himself against my body and pinning me between he and the counter.

"I'll finish you in 3 baby" he groans into my ear before dropping his lips to my exposed shoulder.

I check the flush in my cheeks before I flick off the bathroom light, Lando zipping up his jeans with a hop as he walks out the door.

"What time are you finished today?" He asks me.

I flick through the paperwork sent over by Christian to todays schedule, "uhhh, like 4" I groan.

"Do they have you for dinner?" He asks.

I shake my head, shyly.

"Good. I'm taking you out" he orders. 

"That sounds nice" I appreciate, snaking my hands around his neck and pressing a light kiss to feather over his lips.

"Try and enjoy your day" he encourages, running his hands down either side of my face, stopping to cup my jaw in his hands.

"You as well, what do you have on?" I ask.

"Just some sim work I think"

"I already can't wait to get back here" I mumble making Lando smirk.

"You'll be fine baby, we'll have a nice dinner and then come back here and I'll give you a massage, how does that sound?"

I melt in his hands.

He places a kiss to my nose and then one to my lips. "I love you" he announces, letting me go.

"I love you" I call out as I head out of the villa, handbag in hand and the list of today's instructions.

As I approach the lobby I see Johan immediately and I make a beeline for him.

"How was the rest of your night, Romeo" I send a playful wink in his direction.

"You're disgusting" he teases, flicking through his own paperwork.

"And yet, you still love me" I sass.

"Someone has to" he replies.

"Evelyn!" My mother calls out, "we're late"

I give Johan a knowing look and he mouths good luck to me as I walk off.

Todays going to be a long day.

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