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"So, do you know? If any of that happened?" I ask him. "Like, did Charles mention it at all about us doing that in Las Vegas?"

My eyes catch the movement of his chest as it keeps up with his heavy panting.

"Lando, are you okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Are you kidding me right now?" he barks.

"What?" I gasp.

He moves his feet off the edge of the bed, and begins to stand, muttering something under his breath that I don't understand.

"Lando, did they happen?" I ask again.

"Yeah, Evelyn. They happened" he barks and something that should be such an amazing moment, I feel nothing but guilt and sadness. "I have to go"

"Lando wait" I snap, "They happened? I remembered something?"

Lando's back is to me as he stands in place. I try and swivel myself to sit on the side of the bed.


My breath hitches in my lungs when he turns around and his face is covered in tears. Only seconds have passed yet his eyes are already red and puffy. Before me stands a broken man.

"Lando!" I cry out, my own tears joining him.

His hands fly up to his face, cupping his jaw in shock as I watch his lips tremble, attempting to find some words.

"They happened?" I mumble again.

"They did. But they didn't happen with him." He informs.

"What?" I whisper.

Lando faces his head toward the sky, like trying to hold the tears in place but when he looks at me again it's like they multiplied. "They happened with me"

Then he turns around and leaves.

The dreams. They happened with Lando? Not with Charles?

I stay on the edge of the bed, gripping hard onto the mattress for support, more confused than ever.

I reach for my phone and find Dr Armidale's number.

'Evelyn? Everything okay?' He answers on the second ring.

'The dreams are memories' I cry out.

'You don't sound happy about that? Did you talk to Charles?'

I lift my head up, trying to fight back the sob that's boiling in my throat. "I spoke to Lando"

'Okay' he edges me to go on.

'He says that they happened. Like the Las Vegas dream; but it happened with him, not with Charles. Everything I remember, or dreamed whatever, it was with Lando but I can only remember Charles' I cry out.

'Oh Evelyn. It's okay. Look the brain is such a complicated machine, we can explore some of these concepts and try and understand them better in the next few days. Don't beat yourself up over them okay'

'You should have seen him, Dr' I sob. 'It was like I watched his heart break right in front of me'

'I can't even imagine. It's going to be okay. Just keep talking. And keep journaling'

I hang up from Dr Armidale just as I hear Charles come through the front door.

As I go to shuffle back into spot, I lose balance and as soon as my feet touch the ground, my legs buckle underneath me, a sharp shooting pain travels up the length of my spine and I plummet to the floor.

"Hope you're hungry" he calls out, but as soon as he catches sight of me, the food falls from his hands immediately and he rushes over to me, crouching on the floor in front of me.

"Princesse! What's wrong? What's happened? Lando!" He sings out over his shoulder.

I struggle to pull one of my hands up and rest it on his shoulder, shaking my head. "No, leave him" I instruct.

"Let's get you back up here" He tucks one of his arms under my knees and guides my hand over his shoulders, lifting me from the floor and placing me back up into bed. "There you go. Are you okay?"

His hands brush down either side of my face, pushing the hair back and cupping my jaw. I nod my head inside of his hands.

After he pulls the blankets back up, tucking in them either side of me, he goes to salvage whatever he can of the lunches, taking them to the kitchen bench.

"Where's Lando?" He asks.

"I'm not sure, I hurt him. I hurt him really bad" I sigh.

Charles returns moments later with a burger and fries on a plate for both he and I, placing them down on the table and wheeling it in front of me. He sits down where Lando usually sits at the end of my bed with his own lunch.

"What happened?" He muses.

I take a deep breath, "I've been having dreams, about certain things happening and when I spoke to Dr Armidale, he suggested talking to those involved in the dreams to see maybe if they were memories"

Charles eyes light up, hopeful. "Okay, and.."

"The dreams are memories" I shrug my shoulders.

"Ev!" He cries out, placing his plate down and crawling toward me, cupping my face again, flicking his eyes between each of mine. "You're remembering?" He places 4 quick kisses to different parts of my head. "Good work brain!" He teases.

I push him away from me, chucking "you're so weird"

He settles back down in his place, returning his burger in front of him, "now I'm struggling to see the Lando situation" he says through a mouthful of food.

"Lando wasn't the one in the dreams" I inform.

He pauses mid bite. "Oh"

"You are" I shrug. "Apparently everything I'm remembering about moments with Lando, my mind has connected it with memories of you"

He nods his head slowly, processing that information. "Shit" he curses.

"So, now I'm starting to believe that Lando and I were together" I can't help the smile that spreads across my face when I say that, Charles notices.

"You were" he confirms, and it's the first time in a long time I've been able to feel somewhat connected to my black spot.

But at the moment, all I can focus on is the fact that I was dating Lando Norris. Or at least, I was.

"You look like a 12 year old girl getting told her crush likes her right now" he mocks, throwing a chip in my direction.

"That's kind of what it feels like" I gasp. "In here," I tap my head, "I've gone from having a crush but never speaking to him, to dating him. Feels like wizard shit"

"Evelyn! Did you get your letter to Hogwarts and not tell me?" He teases further.

"You're such a ass" I chuckle before taking a bite into the juicy burger.

"Ev?" Charles mutters, and I look up at him with a full mouth, "it's going to be okay"


A trailer kind of thing has been uploaded for Unlocked on my TikTok : user name is the same as my one here on Wattpad if you want to check it out :)

A trailer kind of thing has been uploaded for Unlocked on my TikTok : user name is the same as my one here on Wattpad if you want to check it out :)

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LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now