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"Charles and Maddie!?" Johan gasps as I fill him in on today's events.

I place another spoonful of Chocolate ice cream into my mouth as I nod in confirmation.

"Shit, I didn't see that one coming. I mean it was only a matter of time before she made her way to Charles, but him, I never imagined him agreeing to it?" he adds, confirming my own thoughts.

"I know, I said that to her when she asked for my opinion on it, and eww, she tried to compare bed notes about Lando" I disgust my face.

"That girl, honestly has no limits" he agrees.

"Anyway, I feel like I never see you anymore, how's Gabriel?"

The smirk that spreads across his face is the only answer I need, "He's coming to the race next weekend" he announces all giddy.

"Johan that's fantastic" I gush, "Introduce him to our crazy world"

"Apparently his family had something to do with Alpine but like from an investor aspect. He said his knowledge extends to about as far knowing that they drive in circles" he mocks.

"He and Maddie will get along great" I sass.

Johan's expression changes immediately, "we are NOT introducing him to Maddie, are you serious, I actually like this guy"

I chuckle, resting my head on the side of his arm, "I know you do"

We both humm in unison as I take another spoonful of ice cream and direct the spoon blindly toward his mouth.

Once I feel him take it from the spoon, I top my own mouth up with a spoonful.

"Alright, I better head back, Lando would be wondering where I am"

I give Johan a kiss on the cheek and see myself out followed by his dramatic I'll miss you shouting.

Heading back towards our side of the villa, I have to pass through the lobby. I catch wind of some distant laughter and pin point who belongs to one half of them immediately.

Looking over I see Maddie with Charles on the same couch he was on the other night, wearing the same black framed glasses. When his eyes catch mine, they don't even hold for a second. He looks back at Maddie instantly and my heart hurts at his action.

But he's right, I chose this. But it wasn't like I was jealous, I just knew he deserved better.

Hopping into bed that night with Lando felt disingenuous. I hadn't done anything wrong, but feeling protective of Charles definitely didn't make me feel loyal to my relationship with Lando.


Race weekend.

A whole week has passed since practise and the paddock begun filling up with spectators from the early hours of practise on Friday morning.

It's now Sunday and the grid was lining up ready for the first race of the season.

Yesterday's qualifying session went extremely well for Red Bull, and not so good for McLaren resulting in Max P1, Charles P2, Alonso, P3 and Lando only qualifying 6th.

He didn't come back to the villa very positive last night. He'd stayed at the garage with his team into the early hours of this morning, trying to work out what went so wrong after the positive results from testing.

I link my arm with Lando as we walk down the paddock, past all the fans and media. "Its going to be okay" I mumble, kissing his shoulder.

He squeezes my hand slightly. "Thanks baby"

LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now