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FirenzeArt Art Gallery holds more than 8000 paintings of some of the most famous contemporary and upcoming names in the art form. Housing names like Annigoni, De Chirico, Filippelli and Signorini you are absolutely engulfed in some of the world's most incredible talents and just being in the presence inspires and motivates you to at least try and live up to some of these names. 

The three hour work shop passed in no time and what I loved so much is that, unlike the last time I was here, this time, they really focus in on our talents. For me, for example, I take to drawings where as, Phillip, he likes to oil paint, so when creating pictures from the same muse, we are encouraged to recreate them based on our individual techniques. 

"Where are you heading, Evelyn?" Martina, one of the girls in my group I had been sat next too as we both preferred line drawing. 

"I'm just going to explore a little, you guys go ahead" I encourage, kind of hoping they'll take the hint, as I needed some more time to myself our first day. I meant no disrespect, but I felt to really let this city settle on me, I needed to experience it in my own eyes. 

Along my ride here, I saw a cute little cafe that settled in amongst the city, kind of sitting in it's own world, Santarosa Bistrot. I decide to have a late lunch there. Even though they brought us sandwiches around when we were in the middle of our class, they are a firm believer in not interrupting the creative flow, so no lunch breaks are scheduled. Possibly why they listed so many restaurants on our welcome packs. 

I pull my bike up alongside the building, carrying my backpack inside, I settle down in one of the tables in the courtyard. 

"Ciao" A waiter acknowledges. 

"Scusa, Lei parla inglese? (Sorry, do you speak English?" I ask in shame. I really need to learn some Italian whilst I am here. I feel selfish when I enter someone else's home and not adapt to their culture. 

"Yes" he replies with a smile. 

"Thankyou," I glance down at the menu and decide on the first thing my eyes fall upon, even though I can barely understand anything. I begin to try and pronounce the items whilst my finger runs along the words. 

The waiter obviously clicks on to what I am after and chuckles, "No problem" he responds, writing down the selection on his pad. "And a drink?" 

"Water, Per favore" I reply. 

He departs with a grin and I pull out my note book, spelling out Learn Italian in the top corner in bold letters. 

I thought the only way I can get an accurate representation of how Florence makes me feel is to see how I adapt to it over these next 2 weeks. Each day, in each new place, I'll write down my thoughts as if I am keeping a diary and then I'll be able to keep track. 

I see a shadow cast over the top of my paper from a figure behind me, "Vivre au jour le jour (To Live Each Day as it Comes)" 

I turn around and nearly fall right out of my chair. 

"Charles!" I gush, rushing to my feet and throwing my arms around him. 

"Bonjour beauté (Hello Beautiful)" he squeezes me back. 

"Please, join me?" I burst. 

He turns around and mumbles something to the guys that he was with before joining me and taking a seat at the chair opposite me. 

"No, this won't do" he exclaims before changing to the seat that's closest to me. "Much better" he coos. 

"What are you doing here?" I babble. 

"I have friends here, I've come to visit them for the summer, you're here for your program?" he asks, taking a sip from his water just as the waiter brings me my order. 

"Grazie mille" Charles exclaims to the waiter, handing over his credit card. 

"Thankyou" I appreciate, "Did you want some?" I push my plate to the centre of the table. 

"I have some coming" he informs, pointing toward the kitchen. "Thank you though" 

I pull the plate back towards me, a serving of what looks to be a beef type draped over a serving of mash potatoes and eggplant. 

"Ev" he mutters and I know exactly what he's asking. The whole grid had it on their lips the last few races after we had a massive blow out at Silverstone. It was Charlotte's second time coming to a race and Lando accused me of being more concerned with parading her around than supporting him. 

"Don't" I shyly warn, "It's fine" 

He shakes his head at me, "I so badly wanted to.." he tightens his jaw and shakes the memory from his head. 

"It's okay" I reach across the table, relaxing my hand on top of his wrist. 

"Am I allowed to be sitting here?" he mocks, "Not that I really would listen if you told me no at this point" 

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm selfish anyway, so you can stay because I want you too" 

"He said that?" his jaw tightening again. 

"I'm sorry things didn't work out with Maddie" I sooth, although I didn't really mean it. 

"Was anyone surprised?" he chuckles. 

Maddie and Charles lasted about 3 dates before she fell into the bed of a NBA star who had visited the Monaco Grand Prix. 

"Not really" I admit. "But still" 

"It's fine" he calms. 

The waiter returns with Charles meal and his card, delivering it back to him. "Grazie mille" he appreciates as the same meal as mine is slid in front of him. 

I raise my eyebrows at him and salute my fork to him. 

"So, tell me, how's the program, have you had your first day yet?" he asks, cutting into a piece of his meat. 

I nod through a mouthful of food. "I did, I started today. It's incredible, Charles. Honestly, I've never felt so inspired before. This place is incredible." 

"It is" he agrees. "So, do you get much time off?" 

"Charles" I warn. 

He shrugs, "What? Evelyn, I miss you. This shit about us not being able to be friends is bullshit and you know it" anger lacing his tone. 

"I know, I just didn't know any other way out?" I defend. 

"I know you didn't. I don't blame you. But right now. He's over there. And you and me. We're right here" 

Can't complain with that logic. 

"We are still together." I feel the need to clarify. 

He looks as me like he doesn't fully believe that. 

"Okay, we'll right now we aren't. But, I can't betray him like that" 

"Betrayal by having friends? That's not you betraying him, Ev. That's him trying to control you. He didn't even want you coming on this trip. Doing something for you. And he had the nerve to call you selfish for doing that?" 

I nod, "I know" and he was right.

"I'll tell you what" he exclaims, slightly chirpier. "How about today, we enjoy this delicious meal in front of us, and if we happen to run into each other again in this extremely big city, we will enjoy that moment together too? Vivre au jour le jour (To Live Each Day as it Comes)" 

I don't even give my brain enough time to tell me this is a horrible idea. I lean forward with a smirk, picking up my knife and fork and cutting off another piece of my meal, still having no idea what it is. 

Charles chuckles and the mood around us is instantly lifted a thousand percent. 

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