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Making my way toward the restaurant where I will be meeting up with Red Bull for our team dinner, I'm having mixed feelings about everything. It's the first time I'm going to be seeing a lot of them since Lando and I became official and going off the reception James gave me on the flight, I'm nervous for what that might mean for the rest of the team. I'm nervous for what that means for Christian. 

"Are you there already? I don't want to walk in alone" - Evelyn

I flick a quick message to Johan as I turn onto the street the restaurant is located on. 

"Sorry Ev, I won't be able to make it" - Johan

His message baffles me so much it makes me stop in my tracks and contemplate turning around. 

"Why?" - Evelyn

I shoot back. 

"I'm not feeling well, I've informed Dragon Lady. Sorry Ev" - Johan

Just great. As I approach the front doors, I tighten the strap on my tan trench coat thats covered my black dress, taking in a deep breath. 

"Here with Red Bull Formula 1, Evelyn Verstappen" I inform the lady at the front desk who after checking off my name on a clipboard, leads me through the restaurant and out to the back meeting rooms where I can hear the chatter as I approach. 

"Thankyou" I appreciate as she opens the door for me and I step inside, quickly scanning the room for a safe place, making contact with a few eyes as I go. 

I spot Max over to the far left and settle on him being my only hope in this room. 

"Evelyn, Hi" he announces as I walk over, shuffling to the seat across from him to give me access to the seat on the very end. 

"Thanks" I mutter as I take my seat, I haven't looked up yet to scan the other members of this table. 

"Where's the smart mouth tonight?" I hear from directly across me. 

Looking up, I see James seated directly across from me, a smug amused face plastered across his. 

"He's unwell" I reply, quick and short before taking out my phone and preoccupying myself with anything else. 

"I'm surprised they didn't banish you from these sorts of things, you know" he smarts again. 

"James" Max warns from beside me. 

"Oh come on, lighten up, we're all joking around here" James chuckles. 

"Yeah well, I'm not finding it very funny" Max replies. 

I toss a look between James and Max who are having some kind of a stare off. 

"Congratulations Ev, you've found the only two people on this team who don't have a problem with you dating the enemy. I can promise you, majority of the team here, don't agree" James hisses one last time before picking up his beer and excusing himself from the table.

"Well, this is going to be a joyful season" I comment under my breath. 

"Hey" Max grabs my attention, "Don't let it worry you okay, it's none of their business. It's going to be chatter for a while because it's the start of the season and theres nothing else to bitch about yet. Just keep your head up" 

I shoot him an appreciative look. "Thanks brother" I tease, leaning my head down against his shoulder. 

"Alright, alright" he chuckle, shoving me off. 

The rest of the dinner I eat in silence. I don't converse with anything expect for answering the odd question Max tries to include me in on. I haven't run into Mother or Christian yet, but I know my luck, I'm not going to get out of it that easily. 

By the time everyone starts to turn in for the night, I take it as my cue to leave. I say goodbye to Max, giving him a peck on the cheek and heading for the door. 

"Evelyn" I hear my name from behind me, and I shut my eyes on defeat, knowing exactly who it belongs to. 

"Christian, hey" I put on my best smile as we exchange familiar hugs and cheek kisses. 

"How's things?" he asks, the elephant in the room hovering over us. 

"Yeah great, I'm really excited for this season. Max is eager and I think it's good for him" I reply. 

Christian nods his head, "Yes, he's in a good spirit this year, it's nice to see, hey listen, I want to congratulate you on your new relationship, I understand the reception hasn't been on the same level, but I'm happy for you" 

And I don't believe a word of it, however I mutter, "Thankyou" anyway. 

He chuckles, however it's not in good faith, "However, if McLaren get wind of any improvements or strategies we are working on, I'll know where it's come from hey, and then we'll have some problems" he sends a playful yet warning light shove to my shoulder before wishing me good night. 

I head out into the night street, thanking the skies that the night is over. 

"On my way back, do you need me to pick you up anything?" - Evelyn

I send a quick message to Johan knowing that I passed a chemist on my way to the restaurant. 

I receive no reply by the time I pass it, but I make the decision to go in anyway and just get an emergency kit. 

I pick up cold and flu tablets, panadol, tissues and some eucalyptus rub to cover all bases and head back for the villas. 

Making my way up toward his room, I use my spare key to unlock the door and let myself inside, trying to keep quiet incase he is asleep. 

"Ouch" I groan as I kick something in the darkness. 

Suddenly a light from a lamp is flicked on and Johan is sitting on the edge of the bed, not alone. 

"Johan?" I ask as I flick my head back and forth between he and his company. 

"Evelyn, umm" he stutters, joining my tennis head in darting back and forth. "Hi" 

"Hello" I reply in disbelief. 

"Uhh, this is Gabriel, he's a friend of mine" he spits all too quickly. 

Gabriel jumps to his feet and rushes toward me, his hand out for me to greet. 

I switch my phone into my left hand that is also carrying the bag of supplies, "Hey, nice to meet you" 

"You as well, Johan has told me so much about you" Gabriel gushes. 

"Huh" I amuse, "Funny, I haven't heard a single thing about you" I look at Johan this time whose face holds defeat and regret. 

"Yeah, I know. Umm, I better get going" Gabriel mutter, grabbing his coat off the edge of the bed. "I'll call you" he assures Johan, "It was really nice to meet you, Evelyn" he throws my way. 

And with that, he's out the door. 

I turn back to Johan, holding up the plastic bag, "Got you these, but.. yeah, don't think you need them" I sass. 

"I can explain" he utters. 

"Great, because I'd love to hear it" I sigh, having a strong feeling I know where this is going, and I can't help the smile that's creeping over my face. 

I join Johan on the edge of the bed, tossing the bag of medicine into the corner of the room and take Johan's hands in mine. 

LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now