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"Want to have a swim?" Lando suggests. Each one of the villas in this place comes with it's own private pool.

"Sounds great actually, I can't believe the temperature change compared to London. A short 6 hour flight and we've transformed into another world." I joke.

Lando lets out a chuckle, agreeing with my statement as he pulls off his shirt from over his shoulders. I quickly unzip my suitcase, pulling my red two piece from the bottom of the bag and rushing to the bathroom to change.

When I emerge, Lando is already in the water, and I watch as his eyes travel the distance of my body with a flirtatious smirk as I approach him.

I tip toe carefully down into the pool, letting out a slight gasp as my hips submerge into the water.

Lando is at the furthest end of the pool, so I frog swim over toward him.

"How was your flight?" he asks as I close the gap between us.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I use them to pull me the rest of the way so I'm flush up against his body, steadying myself around his neck.

"It was okay, Johan and I caught up on some Vampire Diaries." I inform him. "James was being a bit of a dick, but I guess I suspected it."

Lando's eyebrows furrow tensely. "Why?"

"Us" is all I need to say.

His face transforms from confusion to guilt, "I'm sorry, Ev" he apologises.

"Hey, don't be. It's fine. I should have expected it" I chirp.

I feel as his fingers brush around my hips and over my waist line in repetitive movements.

"I can't believe how beautiful this place is" I gush, looking out and around our scenery.

"We come here every year" he chuckles.

I look at him dumbfounded, "Yeah, doesn't make it any less beautiful" I appreciate.

"You're beautiful" he compliments. I wrap my arms tighter so it closes the remaining space between us and press my lips firmly against his, indulging in the way they move so perfectly with mine.

The warm rush of his breath as our lips part in unison, taking our connection to the next level and I have to level myself as I feel him stiffen beneath me.

"Give it a rest you two" we break apart instantly at the interruption.

We see Pierre and Carlos entering from the side gate into our villa, both in their own swim shorts, hair dripping from obviously being in their own pools.

"Hey guys" I acknowledge, not bothering to put any space between Lando and myself.

"How are you, Ev?" Carlos asks as they both enter down the small steps of the pool, taking their places on the right hand side, leaning their elbows against the wall.

"Not bad, glad to finally be here. Do you know if everyone is here yet?" I ask.

Pierre shrugs his shoulders, "I'm not too sure. I think you guys were the last ones in, but I heard Alpha Tauri maybe had some scheduling issues."

"Not for the first time, hey Gasly" Lando teases. Pierre sends a mountain of water in our direction, drenching us both.

"Okay, okay" I surrender, disconnecting myself from Lando and settling myself beside him.

"It's good to see you two finally together" Carlos mocks, pointing his finger between the two of us. "Lando here couldn't shut up about you last season"

LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now