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I feel his body heavy on top of me, his thigh nestled tightly in between my thighs. The feeling on his lips, sending tingles through my entire body each time he presses a kiss along his path, my neck, my collarbone, down to my nipple where he sucks hard, allowing me to fully enjoy the sensation as he applies the smallest amount of pressure. He moves further down, to my stomach where it almost tickles, but turns me on equally, a throbbing sensation between my legs that begs to be relieved. My lips part in agony, unknowing how much longer I can take this before I crumble under his command. 

As he settles between my thighs, his tongue teasing my senses, each movement creating more friction and heightening my desire for him. As it settles on my swollen nub, the moan escapes my throat involuntary, his name lingering on the very end of it. 

My hands find themselves in his hair, dancing and twisting as my desire increases. My hips matching my desire as they buck up, inching him closer to me than possible. 

"I need you" I moan out in uncontrolled pleasure. He peers up from between my legs, a glistening remanence present on his bottom lip as he crawls back up toward me, hunger looming in his eyes. I cup either side of his face and crash my lips into his, matching his urgency and hunger. 

Our tongues find each other, tasting and testing the limits of our moment, of our lust and need for one another. I feel his hand pass between us, connecting immediately with my swollen clit, giving it the much needed sensation and circular motions, I have to disconnect our lips so I'm able to gather enough air before I go diving back in. 

"Please" I beg, my legs fidgeting beneath him, attempting to guide him to my entrance. 

"le tout en temps utile" (All in good time) he responds, moving his lips to the crook of my neck, my head automatically tilting offering more space. 

Moaning out in frustration, I lock my legs around his waist and use enough force to flip us over, finding myself straddling him as I place my hands on either side of his shoulders, hovering over the top of him, his own hunger fuelling mine as I tease the tip of his cock over my entrance, feeling just how wet he's made me and how ready for him I am. 

"taquiner" (tease) he mocks as I dance around the entrance before allowing myself to drop down on top of him, letting him fill me completely, our moans of relief matching each other as we breath out, steading ourselves, allowing the time to adapt before I start moving again. 

"I told you we'd have our moment..." 

Snapping my eyes open, panting and sweating, my hands pat around aimlessly beside me in the dark. 

"Baby, you okay?" I hear Lando murmur in the space beside me. 

"Oh" I mutter, "Yeah, sorry, dream" I explain. 

"Come here" he gestures as he curls in behind me, wrapping his body around mine and holding me close to him, I can feel his heart beat padding on my back. 

I stare into the darkness wondering why I'm now having sex dreams about Charles. 

Letting my eyes dart toward the clock, reading 2:43am. I lay wide awake in the darkness, trying to make sense of my dream as I feel Lando's breath level out behind me as he drifts back off into sleep. 

By the time the clock flicks past 3:30am and I'm still laying wide awake, I slip myself gently out of Lando's arm, grabbing my phone off the bedside table, my jacket from the small table near the door and tip toeing out of the room. 

As I make it down to the courtyard, I wrap my jacket around my shoulders tightly and open up my phone, finding Johan's number and pressing it without hesitation. 

"Ev? You okay?" his sleepy mumbles come through the phone, worry coating them. 

"Yeah, sorry to call so early" I reply. 

"No, no that's okay. What's going on?" he replies as I hear the ruffling through his end of the phone, guessing he's slipped himself out of his own room. 

"I had a dream, Johan. It was.. umm" I begin to explain. 

"Ev, babe. I love you, please just explain. My mind cannot think right now" 

"I had a sex dream about Charles" I blurt out. 

"What. The. Actual." he spits, sounding a lot more awake now. "Evelyn, what the fuck?" 

"I know. I know. I know" I hit my palm against my forehead and pace around the yard. 

"Was he any good?" he asks mocking. 

"JOHAN!" I whisper shout, checking my surroundings for being too loud. 

"Sorry, I've always been curious" I can hear his shrugging through the phone. 

"Not the point" I throw, attempting to get back on track, "What does this mean?" 

"Well, I forgot the notes I took on Dreamology, but I don't know, Ev, it could mean nothing. Dreams have a funny way of just showing up sometimes" 

"I know, you're probably right" I think, "It was so real though, like so vivid" I explain. 

"Which brings me back to my original question" he teases. 

"You're hopeless. How's Paris?" 

I hear his yawn come through my ear, way too loudly for him to have moved his mouth away, "It's incredible, Ev, you have no idea. I'm so so happy and Gabriel is just, uhh, incredible" he gushes bringing an instant smile to my face. 

"Oh Johan, that's so good. I'm so happy for you. I've been meaning to call, I just, it's been a lot here" I explain. 

"That's okay. Most of the time when you message anyway, I'm naked. So I'm kind of glad you haven't been calling. We're close Ev, real close, but there are some things that break the boundaries. And having you call when I'm making sweet sweet love to my man, that's a boundary" he teases. 

"Sweet Jesus!" I chuckle, "I will never call you again" 

"Suit yourself" he laughs. 

"Wait!" I gasp, "You aren't naked now are you?" 

"Oh Evelyn! Goodnight" he sing songs before hanging up. 

I press the end call button, gazing at my lock screen for a moment, a picture of Lando I took on top of the bell tower earlier today once golden hour splashed across his face. I lock the phone off, tucking it beneath my chin and trying to calm my mind. 

Finally heading upstairs to my room, I keep convincing myself that it was just a dream and it meant absolutely nothing. My fingers linger up to my neck where I can still feel where his lips lingering. 

Snatching my hand away, I shake my head back into reality, tip toeing back up to my room and folding myself back into bed with Lando, a hint of guilt washing over me. 

LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now