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By the time I'd finished my classes for the day, I couldn't wait to meet up with Charles. We agreed he'd meet me outside the Art House and we would go from there.

Sure enough, right on schedule, as I exit the building, I immediately set eyes on Charles leaning up against the building, sunglasses covering his face with his arms crossed in front of him.

I walk over to him, exaggerating my slumped body. "Oh. My. God" I groan.

"Fun day?" He asks, smirking and allowing his shoulder to hold me up.

"Actually," I perk up, lifting my head and running my hands down my braids and letting them fall forward over my shoulder. "It was incredible. I feel like I'm learning so much here, just being in a place like this, makes you really inspired."

Charles kicks off the wall and lays his arm over my shoulder, leading me away from the Art Gallery. "That's so good. I'm so happy for you" he gushes. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving" I admit, reaching my hand around behind him and securing it around his waist, the other one reaching up and holding his hand at my shoulder.

"Oh my god" suddenly Amy, one of the girls in my course, gushes in front of us. "Are you Charles Leclerc?"

He chuckles lightly, "yes I am. It's lovely to meet you" he reaches out his free hand and shakes her outstretched on, keeping his other secure in my hand.

"Would it be too forward to ask for a picture?" She blushes.

"Oh, no that's fine" he answers.

"Do you want me to take it for you?" I offer as she hands me the camera and the two pose together, smiling for the picture.

I take around half a dozen and then hand her back her phone.

"Thankyou so much!" She calls out as Charles returns to his original position around me.

"That's no problem, it was great to meet you" he coos.

Amy gives me a knowing look before her attention catches down to her phone, admiring her pictures.

Charles and I set off down the road, in the direction of wherever he's booked us dinner.

As we walk, we talk about our futures. Both of us looking forward to one that doesn't involve Formula 1. He tells me he'd love to go and study psychology, and that one day he'd be able to coach younger kids through the mental struggles of professional sport.

"Oh sorry" I apologise as I'm alerted to my ringing phone.

As I pick it out of my handbag, Lando's name is strung across the screen.

"Sorry" I mouth to Charles.

"Lando?" I ask.

"Is he with you?" He barks.

"What?" I try and delay, already knowing full well what he's talking about.

"Charles is in Florence." He states.

"I'm aware" I deadpan back, my eyes falling on a concerned Charles.

"So you're with him?" He spits.

"Lando?" I sigh in frustration. "You're the one who told me we were on a break, and you're the one with your arms around another girl the other night. I don't really think you have the right to be questioning me right now"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He shouts. Charles hearing him through the receiver and holding onto my forearm for support.

"Don't do this. Please. I'll just see you when I get back okay?" I try and end the conversation.

LOCK UP - Lando Norris [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now