Chapter 1

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"So, tell me again why you though leaving would be the best solution?" Cora asked me as she handed me my drink, taking a seat across from me in the white chair.

"To show him that life is so boring without me." I answered, taking a sip of my drink. "No. I just needed a change."

"Then delete his contact! Don't hop on a plane and come here." Cora replied.

I chuckled at her outburst. "Cora, I still love him. I'm just trying to...give him the space he needs."

"Uh-huh. And what if he moved on from you?" she asked me.

"He better not have. I'm still waiting for him." I said.

    My phone rang loudly on the coffee table and I picked it up, seeing the call was from Derek. "Derek?"

    "Parker! You need to come back to Beacon Hills. Things have gotten crazier." he said, the connection cutting off.

    I took the phone from my ear and looked at my sister. "So.....looks like I have to go..."


Noah was the one who greeted me at the airport, a huge smile on his face as he swept me up in a hug.

"Hi, Noah." I hugged him.

"Hey, kid. How've you been?" he asked as he set me down, taking my bags from me.

"Catching up with my sister. What about you?" I asked him.

"Good. I mean—things have definitely been a little wired, but, good." he held the door to the airport building open for me.

"That's good. How's Stiles? He good?" I asked.

He smiled. "Translation: has he moved on. The answer is a big no. I mean, that new girl's been making moves on him."

"New girl?" I asked as we got into the car, driving out of the airport's lot.

"The were-coyote. Your.....cousin? Right?" he asked me.

"Malia?!" I shrieked, "great. More reasons for me to hate her."

"Oh boy. It's gonna be awkward when you get get to the loft. Malia's been staying with Derek for a bit." Noah said as we neared Beacon Hills.

I sighed. "Well, that's just great." I changed the subject. "What's been going on? What new creepy villain we need to get rid of this time?"

"This dude with no mouth." he answered.

"No mouth? How does he eat?"

He shrugged. "Probably through a tube? That's my best guess."

"You're probably right." the car pulled into the driveway of his house and I saw the blue Jeep parked in the driveway. "Shit."

Noah parked the car, looking at me. "Do you want me to just drop you off at the loft?"

I shook my head. "No. Malia's probably gonna be there. I don't want to deal with her right now."

He nodded, and got out of the car, taking my stuff from the back, and we walked into the house together, closing the door.

"Hey, Dad, I'm gonna head on out—" Stiles looked up from his phone, the phone sliding out of his hand and onto the floor once he saw me. "Parker."

Noah cleared his throat awkwardly and set my bag down on the floor before walked into another room.

"You-you're back," he said, his eyes glassy. "I've been meaning to call, but things always come up."

I nodded. "I understand. is everyone? Are they good?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Everyone's good. How about you?" he asked.


    The door opened and Lydia let out a happy scream, running at me and hugging me tightly, bouncing up and down in excitement.

    "Hey, Parker." Scott came in behind her, standing by Stiles. "How was South America?"

    "Good, for the most part. What about here?" I asked him. "How's Derek?"

    "He's good." Scott nodded.

    I finally got out of Lydia's bone-crushing hug when she let go. "And Malia? Is she...okay?"

    "Um...she's okay. I try to avoid talking with her alone. She's very persistant when it comes to wanting me." Stiles said, wincing a bit at the last two words.

    "But the important thing is that he rejects her. Now we can go back to trying to get you two together again." Scott said to us.

    "Scott. Seriously?" I looked at him.

    "What? Ever since you two've been broken up, Stiles has been miserable." Scott told me.

    "Okay, it was one minute of crying." Stiles said to his friend.

    "Stiles. It was one hour." Scott corrected.

    "It's true. I timed it." Lydia added, looking at me. "Do you want to stay at my place tonight?"

    "Sleepover?" I smiled. "Yeah."

    "Yay! We have so much to catch up on." Lydia hugged me tightly and walked out of the house with a smile on her face.

    Scott cleared his throat, looking at his watch. "I'd better get to work. You two have fun catching up." he patted my back and walked out of the house, closing the door.


I sat on the top of the roof of the Stilinski house, relaxing as I looked at the setting sun; casting vibrant oranges and pinks across the cloudless sky.

    "Thought I'd find you up here." Stiles climbed up the tree and hopped onto the roof, sitting a ways from me. "This was always the place you went when you needed to think."

    "Hm." I nodded, still looking at the sky. "Why are you here?"

    "I wanted to see you." he answered. "and to ask if you...found another guy..."

    I looked at him. "No. I told you I'd wait for you, and that's what I did."

    He smiled a little.

    "Um...are you okay now?" I asked him.

    He shrugged. "I think so. I'm still having trouble with reality and fiction, though..."

I nodded. "..let me know when you figure it out."

He nodded in response. "You'll be the first one I call."

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