"Things have gotten much crazier since you left Beacon Hills. We need you back, Parker."
Five months after Parker had left Beacon Hills behind, things had only gotten more complicated. Her friends had all moved on-some more than others-all excep...
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"I know his family left town around the time Theo was nine or ten...his older sister died in an accident when he was eight...." Stiles said as the two of us walked around the office of the sheriff's station.
"Please, go to school." Noah begged us.
"Dad, this kid's a werewolf!" Stiles argued.
"Your best friend is a werewolf! You are dating a werewolf. I still don't know what Kira's supposed to be. When the flying monkeys come soaring through this station, you will have my undivided attention. Until then? Just go to school."
Stiles looked silently at his father, then narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "...what did you do?"
"What? What do you mean, "What did I do?" Noah asked.
"There's something different about you..."
"What are you talking about?"
"What is it? What's different?" Stiles looked his father up and down to try and find whatever was off.
"For the love of God, Stiles, will you two just go to school!" Noah said.
"I will go if you promise to do a full background check of the Raekens." Stiles said.
"No. You know what? Just because I'm the only law enforcement officer who knows anything about this does not make it my responsibility to do something every time you have a minor suspicion!"
"Except you're not the only one." I said to him, pointing out the window to see Parrish at his desk.
"PARRISH!" Noah shouted, then looked at us. "You two. School. Now."
"On it, Chief-o." I saluted him and he smiled, opening the door and gesturing us out.
"I don't trust him." Stiles said.
"Who?" I asked as we walked out of the police station
"Theo. Something about him doesn't sit right with me." he replied," So, I was thinking that we would get Liam and go out to wherever he lives—"
"He lives at the Raeken Boarding House with his father Johnathan Raeken and mother. Drives a Silver Toyota Highlander. Height is 5'8'' with brown hair and hazel eyes. Favorite color is black. And he gets a bonus for being hot. But not as hot as you, of course." I listed off.
Stiles looked at me with confusion and concern for my sanity.
I looked at Stiles and made an 'o' shape with my mouth. "Oh. You just wanted to know where he lived?"