Chapter 12

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"Aw! Come on!" I groaned from where I laid on my stomach on Liam's bed with a controller in my hand, smiling at the younger kid as he sat on the floor.

    "Video games aren't your thing." Liam chuckled as he continued to win.

    "It's not just that." I tousled his brown hair, smiling at him. "You're getting good at this, squirt."

    "I was always good at blowing up zombies, Parker." Liam replied, but I could feel him smiling. "But I appreciate the compliment."

    A light knock came on Liam's door and he paused the game as his stepfather opened the door.

    "Hi, Dr. Geyer. Uh—do you need me to get out?" I asked awkwardly.

    The older man chuckled. "No, it's fine, Parker. I just came in to say it's getting really late. It's almost midnight."

"Dad, could Parker stay over tonight?" Liam asked. "Please? We won't have sex."

"Oh, dude!" I playfully smacked his head. "Gross."

Dr, Geyer laughed. "If Parker's comfortable with it, it's fine with me. Parker?"

"I'm okay with it." I answered.

"Okay then. Want me to get the air mattress in here?" he asked.

"If it's not too much trouble." I said.

"Not at all. Liam, game off. It's late, and you two have school in the morning." he instructed us, then went out of the room.

Liam shut off the game and turned off the screen, setting the controllers on the stand before sitting back on the bed beside me. "Thanks for staying."

"It's no problem. You sounded kinda...scared on the phone." I answered. "You wanna talk about it?"

He shrugged. "Not right now. Maybe later. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. You can tell me whenever you feel ready. Only if you feel ready." I nodded.

He smiled. "Thanks."

    I smiled. "Your stepdad's awesome, by the way."

    That got a large smile out of him. "I know."


I unlocked the door to Stiles and his father's house, walking in and silently closing the door; turning around and stopping dead in my tracks when I saw Noah just standing there, sipping coffee from his mug.

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