Chapter 10

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"Noah?" I knocked on his opened door of the sheriff's station.

    He looked up and a smile lit his face. "Hey, kid. What brings you here?"

    "The usual." I answered, walking into his office, setting a brown bag down on his desk. "Plus, I got us lunch."

    "Really? Let's see what you got for us, then I'll see how to respond." he said.

    "I got two veggie burgers." I said as I took them out.

    "Again? You too?" he groaned.

    "Fear not, Sheriff. This one's actually just a normal burger. Extra bacon." I handed him the normal burger. "Just don't tell Stiles, okay?"

    He smiled and took it from me. "And this is why you're my favorite."

    "Yay. I love being everyone's favorite." I clapped my hands, making him laugh. "Oops. Burger away. Stiles and Lydia incoming."

    Noah put his burger back in the bag just as the two came in. "Hey, Stiles. Lydia."

    "Parker? I thought you were with Derek today." Stiles asked as he saw me.

    "No. Uncle Peter's with him." I answered as I turned towards him. "I brought your father lunch."

    "What'd you get?" Stiles asked.

    "Veggie burger." I answered.

"Glad to see you're trying to prolong my father's life as well." Stiles said as he walked in, kissing my hair.

I looked at Noah, and he just smiled.

    "What's going on?" Noah asked his son and Lydia.

    "We think Lydia's grandmother is still alive." Stiles answered.

    Noah's eyebrows shot up. "You do, do you? And why's that?"

    "It's not just that she could still be alive, but it means that she would've had to fake her death." Lydia answered.

    Noah looked at Lydia. "Your grandmother, Lorraine Martin, faked her death?"

    "Definitely." Stiles said.

    "Maybe." Lydia admitted.

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