Chapter 21

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"Hayden? Hayden, are you okay?" Liam asked as the Dread Doctors tossed her onto the ground by us, then left the room.

"It hurts..." Hayden said in a slight whimper as she looked the best she could at the blood pouring down her side.

"Give me your hand." Liam held out his free hand to her as the two of us sat up.

"There's something Scott does...he can take away the pain. I've never done it before, but I can try." Liam said as Hayden set her hand in his.

"Why can't Parker do it?" Hayden wondered. "Don't you know how to do it?"

"Yeah. But I spent my energy on the cool new trick Deaton taught me before he left." I answered, "turns out Sentinel wolves don't only have cool new eyes, but they can also mute the others hearing for a minute or two."

"That's what that was?" Liam gasped. "That's awesome!"

"Yeah. Now focus on Hayden, okay?" I told him.

Liam closed his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh after a few minutes, dropping Hayden's hand. "I'm sorry..."

"Why are they doing this to us?" Hayden asked.

"I don't know."

"I know one thing," I got their attention, "whatever they want, you're done with these experiments. If they want to experiment on somebody, they're going to have to settle for me."

"Parker—" Hayden's eyes went wide.

"No, no. I told you I'd protect you guys, and that's exactly what I'm going to do." I silenced her.

"Parker, seriously! Look behind you!" Liam pointed behind me.

I turned my head and a shocked scream built up in my throat just before a cane connected with my head.

"Very well. Take the kids away" was the last thing I heard before darkness filled my vision.

The first thing that made me snap my eyes open was when I felt my bond to Derek, Cora, and Isaac being yanked away.

Then came all my abilities: heightened smell, hearing, night-vision, all of them—gone. All of them—ripped from my body.

But I didn't care. All I cared about what that Hayden and Liam were safe somewhere. As long as they were out of danger, the Dread Doctors could experiment on me until I was dead.

Blurry shapes and spots of colors swirled around in my head as the three Doctors continued to tinker around with my insides. The smell of my own blood metallic and sour filling my nose; feeling warm blood drip down my sides and stain the floor.

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