Chapter 18

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The second I got back to the Stilinski's, I ran straight into Stiles room—finding him physically all right.

"Stiles." I walked up to him, looking at him as he sat on his bed, his head in his hands. I lowered myself to my knees and gently took his hands from his face, sliding my hands over the sides of his neck. "What's wrong?"

He stayed silent, flicking his eyes down. "Donovan.."

"..did you see him tonight?"

He nodded a little. "And, um...I...I killed him.."

My eyes grew wider with concern, and I rose to sit beside him, pulling him into a hug. I heard Stiles's shallow breathing and felt his tears wetting the back of my shirt; I slid my hand over his back soothingly, holding him close until his cries finally subsided.

He pulled back, wiping under his reddened eyes. "Sorry..."

"Hey, no." I put a finger under his chin and lifted it so his eyes met mine. "Don't you ever apologize for crying in front of me. Okay? I want you to know that I'm here for you. Throughout everything. Both the good and the bad."

Stiles smiled a little at that.

"...would it be all right if I saw?" I asked in a soft voice, seeing his confused face. "I could smell the blood when I got in the house."

He nodded, turning around so his back faced me, and let his shirt fall to the floor. A large, red wound filled with deep teeth marks stood out prominently against his pale skin—looking as if the teeth had drilled holes into his flesh.

I hesitantly brought my hand up, my fingers lightly tracing around the edges of the circular wound. "..does it hurt?"

"Only when I move my shoulder quickly." he answered honestly, his back still towards me.

"...I knew something was wrong." I said softly, wrapping my arms around his chest and placing a light kiss above his wound, then his neck. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, Stiles.."

"I'm glad you weren't." he answered, his hands wrapping over my arms. "..he didn't just threaten me and my dad, Parker. He threatened to kill you if I spoke about this to my father.."

I rested my chin on his shoulder, leaning the side of my head against his. "We're all here, Stiles. You, me, and Noah are all okay. We're all safe."

"Because I killed him.." Stiles said sadly.

"Out of self defense. I know you. You would never kill someone unless they were attacking you." I said, "Donovan was a bad guy, Stiles. As badly as it feels now, the world's safer without him. You were protecting your father. You were protecting me. You were protecting our friends. You were protecting yourself."

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