"Things have gotten much crazier since you left Beacon Hills. We need you back, Parker."
Five months after Parker had left Beacon Hills behind, things had only gotten more complicated. Her friends had all moved on-some more than others-all excep...
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I came down the steps of my uncle's apartment building and saw him leaning against the hood of his car, waiting for me.
"Hi, Uncle Peter." I greeted him.
"Hey, Parker." he hugged me and opened the passenger's side door for me. "Derek texted. He needs us over at the loft."
We got into his car and started the drive down to the loft.
"How's it feel to be back in Beacon Hills?" Peter asked me.
"It's weird. I'm so used to seeing Cora first thing in the morning. But, as much as I loved being with Cora, I missed you and Derek." I said.
"What about Malia?" he asked me.
"I met her when she was a coyote, and she tried to kill me, Scott, and Stiles. What do you think?"
He chuckled, turning down another road. "Got it. And just so you know, she may be my biological daughter, but you're still my favorite."
I smiled. "Aw. You do care."
He smiled softly and lightly tapped the back of my head. "Don't tell your brother I said that."
We were silent the rest of the way to the loft, getting out of the car and heading into the building, walking up to the loft.
"Derek?" I called out, being met by silence. "Hey, Der! Peter and I are here." I said as we walked around the loft.
"I'm afraid Derek's not here, la loba." a short woman with reddish hair stepped into our view. Two buff men on either side of her.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked.
The lady smiled, looking at the men. "Take them."
Electricity zapped through our bodies again, the freezing water drenching our bodies only made the pain worse.
"Where is Derek Hale?" the little lady we now knew as Araya shouted over the zapping of electricity. "Severo! Enough."
The man cut off the electricity, and sat back in his chair, tossing a black ball between his hands as he watched us.
"You could have just asked instead of this." I said as I tried to catch my breath.
"So you know where he is." Araya said.
I shook my head. "I don't keep tabs on my brother, lady."
She didn't like that answer, and grabbed a sharp scalpel, cutting my zip-ties and holding tightly to my arm. "Severo. He's all yours." she motioned to Peter, and dragged me down the hall into a dusty room with a sink, slamming the iron door.