"Things have gotten much crazier since you left Beacon Hills. We need you back, Parker."
Five months after Parker had left Beacon Hills behind, things had only gotten more complicated. Her friends had all moved on-some more than others-all excep...
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Rain poured down heavily from the dark sky as I walked dejectedly down the streets.
"Parker! Seriously! Just stay here! I don't want you to get hurt!" Stiles had shouted at me.
"I'm not helpless, Stiles!"
"Parker, I love you, but so help me, if you even think of taking a step out of this house—"
"Fine! Leave me on the sidelines while you save everyone else with our friends." I argued. "Go."
A horn blared and a car zoomed past me, splashing a wave of water on my shoes.
"Seriously?" I muttered to myself and pulled the rain-soaked hood further over my head as it slipped down. "I should be getting black-out drunk right about now because my boyfriend locked me in the house, but instead, I'm getting soaked with rain. I hate my life." I said with a groan.
After about another block of walking, I walked into an apartment building and headed up the stairs, my shoes squelching under me from the amount of rain water that currently resided in them.
I knocked on the door.
Silence. Then, the door unlocked and opened.
"Parker?" Chris looked at me tiredly and yawned. "It's two in the morning. Why are you here?"
"Can I come in?" I asked, hugging my arms around my body to keep from full-out shivering.
"Yeah, sure. Come on in. Make yourself comfortable." He said and walked away from the door, heading into the kitchen.
I walked into the apartment and closed the door, bolting it before I walked into the kitchen.
"What brings you to my doorstep at two in the morning looking like a drowned rat?" Chris asked as he leaned back against the counter, the coffee pot bubbling and grinding the coffee grounds up.
"Stiles and I got into a fight." I answered with a shrug. "...could I stay here tonight?"
"Yeah." He nodded, "Go take a shower. I'll get you some of your pajama clothes from the guest bedroom."
I walked out of the kitchen and down the hall, heading into the bathroom and closing the door; turning on the water and waiting for it to get hot before struggling to get out of my sopping wet clothes fused to my body and getting into the shower, pulling the shower curtain closed.