Chapter 9

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"Remind me again why you insisted on us having a sleepover at Argent's apartment?" I asked Scott quietly as I sat up on the couch, Stiles sleeping on the floor beside his friend.

Scott sighed, sitting up. "One, because it'll be easier to convince him to help us with our plan to get the Benefactor, and two....I miss Allison. It's the anniversary of her death..."

I sighed, lying back down on the couch. "Well, could you have at least missed Allison at your place? Being in this apartment brings up memories I don't particularly want to remember."

"Like what?" Scott wondered.

I looked at him, then back up at the ceiling. "No."

"Come on, Parker. You can't just—"

"It was bad, okay? The last time I was here was after Allison died. And before that was when I was possessed by Void, so, not the best memories in this place." I answered him, leaving out a few crucial details.

    "Oh. Gotcha."

    I sighed again, sitting up. "I'm going to raid the fridge. You want anything?"

    "I'm good. Just don't stay up too late. We still got school tomorrow." Scott answered me with a smile.

    "I know, Scott. Get to sleep." I said, getting up and heading into the kitchen, using my werewolf night-vision eyes so I didn't have to turn on a light.

The light flicked on just as I had pulled a cooked turkey out of the fridge, turning and seeing Argent standing there with a very confused look on his face.

"Midnight snack?" he guessed.

"Yup." I nodded, sitting down at the table and unwrapping the cold turkey. "Couldn't sleep?"

"Yup." He sat across from me with a sigh, taking a piece of the cut turkey and eating it. "I'm glad you guys stayed over tonight, honestly."

I nodded, eating a piece of turkey. "Well, I was forced along by Scott and Stiles, but I get it. None of us would have wanted you to spent tonight alone."

"Thank you. I know being back here isn't exactly on your top ten right now, so..."

"That's an understatement." I answered, a light smile pulling at my lips.

"Can I ask why you and Stiles...ended it for a while?" he asked awkwardly.

I shrugged. "He was just recently unpossessed by Void. He wanted to be able to be able to tell fiction from reality."

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