Chapter 26

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I unlocked the front door of the house and wandered around the empty house until I found Stiles sitting at the kitchen.

"Stiles?" I said softly.

He looked up and stood up quickly. "Parker. I'm so so so sorry about what happened." He walked towards me.

I placed a hand on his chest to stop him.

"Parker. Hey, what's wrong, baby?" He asked as he took a small step back.

"I need to tell you something.."


"You're going to hate me for it."

He smiled a little and shook his head. "Not possible."

I took a deep breath and released a sigh, avoiding his eyes. "I slept with Chris."

"Chris?" He echoed, confused.

"...Argent." I looked at him finally.

His face transformed from confusion to shock to anger. "What?"


He held up and hand and took another step back. "What?"

"Stiles, I'm sorry—"

"Obviously not, because you slept with him!!" He shouted.

"I didn't mean for it to happen. It's just..we got into a fight and I was...lonely."

"No. No. You do not get to blame this on me, Parker. This was your doing. Yours and his." He held out his hand. "Give me the key back."


"Now." He snapped.

I looked at the necklace with key around my neck and slowly pulled it over my head, looking at him as I set it in his hand.

"Please leave." He said in a whisper, turning away.

"Stiles, I—"

He turned back to me, his eyes blazing. "We're done."

The door burst open and Liam and Scott ran into the house.

"Guys!" Scott said, "get in the Jeep. We need to go to the school now. Parrish is there."

"How do you know?" I asked.

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